vb Linkchecker Bot


New Member
I couldn't get it to work. When I go the the .php file it says the bot is running but theres no evidence that it has checked links.


New Member
Dman said:
@GgAcE This bot is not for users who are on free hosting / crappy shared hosting ;)

*Goes back to read where he says it's GREAT for free hosting*

*Runs back*

Hmmm.... Never said such a thing.


New Member
I just DO NOT understand about this ?

ALTER TABLE `vb_thread` ADD `time_check` INT( 10 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `taglist` ;
ALTER TABLE `vb_thread` ADD `ignore_check` TINYINT( 1 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `time_check` ;

How to edit/create that?


New Member
that is an SQL query that you must execute in PHP MyAdmin. You must c/p that (or exchange vb_ prefix with your table prefix) in
Run SQL query/queries on database box

But why the hell I don't have the taglist table


New Member
working fine..but showing some errors

Warning: fclose(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /home/zone360/public_html/vbbot.php on line 26

pls explain what thing i should take care of!


New Member
bawel said:
I just DO NOT understand about this ?

ALTER TABLE `vb_thread` ADD `time_check` INT( 10 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `taglist` ;
ALTER TABLE `vb_thread` ADD `ignore_check` TINYINT( 1 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `time_check` ;

How to edit/create that?

Read the directions mate. Run those SQL quesries in PHPmyAdmin....


New Member
bawel said:
I just DO NOT understand about this ?

ALTER TABLE `vb_thread` ADD `time_check` INT( 10 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `taglist` ;
ALTER TABLE `vb_thread` ADD `ignore_check` TINYINT( 1 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `time_check` ;

How to edit/create that?

go to cpanel
and in that go to phpmyadmin
and then sql
and paste the above code and execute it!


New Member
After running this for SEVERAL days, I have come to the conclusion that this bot is very under supported & poorly written. I highly suggest this isn't used until a later version is created.

I have personnaly stopped use of this modification.


New Member
working fine, but its moved thread with many valid post. Its possible to make addon to only report post?


New Member
Balegar said:
working fine, but its moved thread with many valid post. Its possible to make addon to only report post?

This was one issue I noticed. I would MUCH rather have it make a thread in the same post saying "OOOOPS! Looks like -Link here- is broken. Please repair!".

I am not able to make this switch but if anyone can, let us know!


New Member
after 10 days display this error,

Warning: fopen(botruns.txt) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/albworg/public_html/vbbot.php on line 25

Warning: fclose(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /home/albworg/public_html/vbbot.php on line 26
Using Method where time_check is 0

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 33292288 bytes) in /home/albworg/public_html/vbbot.php on line 76


New Member
this is the vbbot just thought d add it because people are havin trouble things marked in red edit :) hope this helps

____ __ __ ______ __ __
/\ __-. /\ "-./ \ /\ __ \ /\ "-.\ \
\ \ \/\ \ \ \ \-./\ \ \ \ __ \ \ \ \-. \
\ \____- \ \_\ \ \_\ \ \_\ \_\ \ \_\\"\_\
\/____/ \/_/ \/_/ \/_/\/_/ \/_/ \/_/ presents the VB LINK CHECKER BOT!

Forums to check syntax
`forumid` = 2 OR `forumid` = 3 - This will check both forum id 2 and 3
`forumid` != 2 OR `forumid` != 3 - This will all forums EXCEPT forum id 2 and 3
$filename = "botruns.txt";
exit('File Deleted');
exit('Bot is running.');
$fh = fopen($filename , 'w');
require_once "includes/config.php"; //assumes this is in vb folder

// Start of user defined variables
$trash = '29'; //Forum id of trash
$botid = '9'; //Userid of bot
$botname = 'Link Bot'; //Username of bot
$check = '`forumid` != 12'; //Forums to check
$pa = '
Links checked on ' . date('d/m/y'). ' by link checker bot'; //This will append this at the end of the checked post
$ppa = '<br /> Links checked on ' . date('d/m/y'). ' by link checker bot'; //VB uses a caching technique, this will append it to end of parsed post. This is HTML!
$perd = '50'; //Percent decision variable.
$tr = "More than $perd percent on the links are dead that is why the topic is moved to trash"; // This is the reply in the topic.
$pmt = 'I have moved your topic to trash'; // PM Title
$reportforumid = '11'; //This is where bot will make new topics stating reports
$showurl = 'http://put your website here/showthread.php?t='; //Your URL
//Check Line 226 to edit PM message.
//End of user defined variables. Don't edit below this line. No really don't.

$y= 0;
$count = 0;
$sleep = 0;
$topic = 0;
$prefix = $config['Database']['tableprefix'];

function check($link , $y , $regex,$pattern='', $replace='')
global $y;

$link = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $link);

if(eregi("megashares.com" , $link))
$ch = curl_init($link);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIE, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, "1");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, "1");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
$page = curl_exec($ch);
$page = file_get_contents($link);

if(eregi($regex , $page))
echo " Active : $link<br />";
elseif(!eregi($regex , $page))
$y = $y + 0;
echo "Dead : $link<br />";
exit('Some error');


$sites = array(
array("rapidshare\.com\/files\/", "(FILE DOWNLOAD|This file is larger than 200 Megabyte)"),
array("megashares\.com\/\?d01=", "(Click here to download|This link's filesize is larger than what you have left on your Passport)"),
array("megaupload\.com/([a-z]{2}\/)?\?d=", "(Filename:)|(All download slots assigned to your country)"),
array("rapidshare\.de\/files\/", "You want to download"),
array("filefactory\.com\/file\/", "(download link)|(Please try again later)"),
array("mediafire\.com\/(download\.php)?\?", "You requested"),
array("depositfiles\.com\/([a-z]{2}\/)?files\/", "File Name", "@(com\/files\/)|(com\/[a-z]{2}\/files\/)@i", "com/en/files/"),
array("sendspace\.com\/file\/", "The download link is located below.")

$connect = mysql_connect($config['MasterServer']['servername'], $config['MasterServer']['username'] , $config['MasterServer']['password']) or die('Unable to connect to mysql server.');
$dbconnect = mysql_select_db($config['Database']['dbname'], $connect) or die('Unable to connect to the db');


$qu1= mysql_query("SELECT `threadid` , `firstpostid`, `forumid`, `replycount`, `title` FROM `".$prefix."thread` WHERE `ignore_check` = '1' AND ($check)");
echo 'Checking ignored topics<br />';
$qu1 = mysql_query("SELECT `threadid` ,`firstpostid`, `forumid`, `replycount`, `title` FROM `".$prefix."thread` WHERE `time_check` = '0' AND `ignore_check` = '0' AND ($check)");
$row = mysql_num_rows($qu1);

if($row == 0 )
$qu1 = mysql_query("SELECT `threadid` ,`firstpostid`, `forumid`, `replycount`, `title` FROM `".$prefix."thread` WHERE ".time()." - `time_check` >= 86400 AND `ignore_check` = '0' AND ($check)");
$row1 = mysql_num_rows($qu1);

if($row1 == 0 )
$qu1 = mysql_query("SELECT `threadid` ,`firstpostid`, `forumid`, `replycount`, `title` FROM `".$prefix."thread` WHERE `ignore_check` = '0' AND ($check)");
echo "Using Method where it seems that all topics have been checked.<br />";
echo "Using Method where 1 day has passed after checking all links.<br />";
echo "Using Method where time_check is 0<br />";

while($re1 = mysql_fetch_assoc($qu1))
if(($sleep == 100) || ($topic == 50))
if($sleep == 100)
$sleep = 0;

if($topic == 50)
$topic = 0;

echo 'Now script will pause for 15 seconds';
$pid = $re1['firstpostid'];
$tid = $re1['threadid'];
$forum = $re1['forumid'];
$replies = $re1['replycount'];
$title = $re1['title'];
$qu2 = mysql_query("SELECT `pagetext`, `userid` , `username` FROM `".$prefix."post` WHERE `postid` = '$pid'");
$re2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($qu2);
$alllinks = $re2['pagetext'];
$uid = $re2['userid'];
$uname = $re2['username'];
$post = $alllinks;
$alllinks = explode(" ", $alllinks);
$alllinks = implode("\n", $alllinks);
$alllinks = explode("\n", $alllinks);
foreach($alllinks as $link)
if(eregi("(http|www)" , $link))
//Yeah now wen gotta remove the trash from links to get them.
$link = preg_replace("/\[\/(.+)\]/" , "" , $link);
$link = preg_replace("/(\(.+)/" , "" , $link);
$link = preg_replace("/(.*)http:\/\//" , "" , $link);
$link = 'http://' . $link;
foreach($sites as $site)
if(eregi($site[0], $link))
check(trim($link), $y, $site[1],$site[2],$site[3]);

$realurl = $showurl . $tid;
if($count == $y && $count != 0 )
$post = preg_replace("/Links checked on(.*)by link checker bot/" , "" , $post); //Replace if it is already checked by LC bot
$post = mysql_real_escape_string($post . $pa); //Append the statement to the post
$qu3 = mysql_query("UPDATE `".$prefix."post` SET `pagetext` = '$post' WHERE `postid` = '$pid'");
$qu4 = mysql_query("SELECT `pagetext_html` FROM `".$prefix."postparsed` WHERE `postid` = '$pid'");
$nqu4 = mysql_num_rows($qu4);
if($nqu4 > 0)
$re4 = mysql_fetch_assoc($qu4);
$postparsed = $re4['pagetext_html'];
$postparsed = preg_replace("/<br \/> Links checked on (.*) by link checker bot/" , "" , $postparsed);
$postparsed = mysql_real_escape_string($postparsed . $ppa);
$qu5 = mysql_query("UPDATE `".$prefix."postparsed` SET `pagetext_html` = '$postparsed' WHERE `postid` = '$pid'");
$qu6 = mysql_query("UPDATE `".$prefix."thread` SET `time_check` = ".time().", `ignore_check` = '0' WHERE `threadid` = '$tid'");
echo "<a href=$realurl>Checked Topic ID : $tid</a><br />";
elseif($count > $y && $count != 0)
$per = (($count - $y) * 100)/$count;

if($per < $perd)
$uniq = md5(uniqid(rand() . time()));
$qu4 = mysql_query("INSERT INTO `".$prefix."thread` (`title`, `forumid`, `open`, `postusername`, `postuserid`, `dateline`, `notes`, `visible`, `lastpost`, `lastposter`) VALUES ('Post Reported by Bot' , '$reportforumid' , '1' , '$botname' , '$botid' , ".time().", '$uniq' , '1', ".time().", '$botname')");
$qu5 = mysql_query("SELECT `threadid` FROM `".$prefix."thread` WHERE `notes` = '$uniq'");
$re5 = mysql_fetch_assoc($qu5);
$rtid = $re5['threadid'];
$newmessage = "This thread has some dead links and some alive links [url='$realurl']".$realurl.'';
$newmessage = mysql_real_escape_string($newmessage);
$qu6 = mysql_query("INSERT INTO `".$prefix."post` (`threadid`, `username`, `userid`, `dateline`, `pagetext`) VALUES('$rtid' , '$botname', '$botid', ".time().", '$newmessage')");
$qu7 = mysql_query("SELECT `postid` FROM `".$prefix."post` WHERE `threadid` = '$rtid'");
$re7 = mysql_fetch_assoc($qu7);
$npid = $re7['postid'];
$qu8 = mysql_query("UPDATE `".$prefix."thread` SET `time_check` = ".time()." WHERE `threadid` = '$tid'");
$qu9 = mysql_query("UPDATE `".$prefix."thread` SET `firstpostid` = '$npid', `lastpostid` = ".$re7['postid']." WHERE `threadid` = '$rtid'");
$qu10 = mysql_query("UPDATE `".$prefix."forum` SET `threadcount` = `threadcount` + 1, `replycount` = `replycount` + 1 , `lastpost` = ".time()." ,`lastposter` = '$botname', `lastthread` = 'Post Reported By Bot' WHERE `forumid` = '$reportforumid'");
echo "<a href=$realurl>Post Reported : $tid</a><br />";

if($per >= $perd)
$pms = "Hey,I'm the LC Bot. \n Your topic has been moved to trash since the links in it were dead. \n Please check it out.If u suppose the I am wrong, don't PM me, but PM any of the staff members of the site \n";
$pms .= "$realurl" . '';
$pma = "a:1:{s:2:\"cc\";a:1:{i:$uid;s:4:\"$uname\";}}";
$pms = mysql_real_escape_string($pms);
$pma = mysql_real_escape_string($pma);

//Move the topic
$qu4 = mysql_query("UPDATE `".$prefix."thread` SET `forumid` = '$trash' WHERE `threadid` = '$tid'");

//Pm user
$qu6 = mysql_query("INSERT INTO `".$prefix."pmtext` (`fromuserid`, `fromusername` , `title` , `message` , `dateline` , `touserarray`) VALUES ('$botid' , '$botname' , '$pmt' , '$pms', ".time()." , '$pma')");
$qu7 = mysql_query("SELECT `pmtextid` FROM `".$prefix."pmtext` WHERE `message` = '$pms'");
$re7 = mysql_fetch_assoc($qu7);
$pmtextid = $re7['pmtextid'];
$qu8 = mysql_query("INSERT INTO `".$prefix."pm` (`pmtextid`, `userid`, `folderid`, `messageread`) VALUES ('$pmtextid' , '$uid' , '0' , '0')");
$qu9 = mysql_query("UPDATE `".$prefix."user` SET `pmtotal` = `pmtotal` + 1 , `pmunread` = `pmunread` + 1 WHERE `userid` = '$uid'");

//Reply to the topic

$qu9 = mysql_query("INSERT INTO `".$prefix."post` (`threadid` , `parentid` , `username` , `userid` , `dateline` , `pagetext`, `ipaddress` , `visible`) VALUES ('$tid' , '$tid' , '$botname' , '$botid' , ".time()." , '$tr' , '' , '1')");
$qu10 = mysql_query("UPDATE `".$prefix."thread` SET `replycount` = `replycount` + 1, `lastposter` = '$botname', `lastpost` = ".time()." WHERE `threadid` = '$tid'");
$qu11 = mysql_query("UPDATE `".$prefix."forum` SET `threadcount` = `threadcount` + 1, `replycount` = `replycount` + 1 , `lastpost` = ".time()." ,`lastposter` = '$botname', `lastthread` = '$title' WHERE `forumid` = '$trash'");
$qu12 = mysql_query("UPDATE `".$prefix."user` SET `posts` = `posts` + 1, `lastpost` = ".time()." WHERE `userid` = '$botid'");
$qu13 = mysql_query("UPDATE `".$prefix."forum` SET `replycount` = `replycount` - $replies, `threadcount` = `threadcount` - 1 WHERE `forumid` = '$forum'");
echo "<a href=$realurl>Moved to Trash Id : $tid</a><br />";
elseif($count == 0)

//If there are no matching links just add to ignore list.

$qu5 = mysql_query("UPDATE `".$prefix."thread` SET `ignore_check` = '1' WHERE `threadid` = '$tid'");
echo "<a href=$realurl>No Relevant Links Found : $tid</a><br />";

//ALTER TABLE `vb_thread` ADD `time_check` INT( 10 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `taglist` ;
//ALTER TABLE `vb_thread` ADD `ignore_check` TINYINT( 1 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `time_check` ;


New Member

SQL query:

ALTER TABLE `thread` ADD `time_check` INT( 10 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `taglist`

MySQL said: Documentation
#1060 - Duplicate column name 'time_check'