ZenCoding in PHPStorm: how to make XML tags self-closing?


New Member
I am using the Zen coding-alike stuff in PHPStorm for my XML documents. I find it to be very useful.The only thing is that most of the tags I write should be short (self-closing) tags. Zen however, by default, creates long (opening and closing) tags. When doing HTML, Zen has intelligent knowledge of what tags should be long or short (i.e. \[code\]br\[/code\] expands to \[code\]<br />\[/code\], while \[code\]div\[/code\] extends to \[code\]<div></div>\[/code\].Most of my elements can be written as long tags as well as short tags, my preference depends on whether I want that node to have children. How can I distinctively describe whether a tag should expand to a short (self-closing) tag or a long (open+close) tags?// edit: Nobody? I've looked around the internet quite a bit, no joy so far.