Youtube alternatives


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Now that Youtube is shutting down many accounts withinternet marketing videos. What alternatives are out there. i.e. video sharing, storageand marketing methods to get our videos seen. Carl Viddler, Vimeo, Veoh, Vidilife, Dailymotion, Break,, Megavideo, Metacafe. I highly recommended Vimeo and Dailymotion Quote: +1 to vimeo, that's what most of my friends use to promote their business related videos. dailymotion/metacafe are used somewhat viral-ly but vimeo probably has the best selection of well put together videos I've seen. Vimeo is the best for hosting videos, embedding videos on web pages - but nowhere near as marketable as Youtube. Dailymotion is perhaps the closest to Youtube in terms of style and reaching people via related videos. Thanks for all the suggestions. I don't have high quality videos, just thinking of makingsimple amazon PP type videos.Which sites do you feel would be best suited for them.And which places the least ads on my videos. Also, waiting on comments for storage and marketing methods. Thanks. While you should certainly make use of the alternatives, YouTube is definitely still viable if you know how to make things stick. Quote: I use Vimeo a lot. It lets you customize the player however you want. You can also choose to add a clickable link at the end if you want which is really awesome for promoting your site. Vimeo is a good alternative you can use the other sites. But I can tell you someone who does youtube and a radio station. When we do our videos we get far more traffic from youtube, and we submit to the others all the time. The key is ...good content, good keywords useage (SEO) and bringing content that goes viral, or people are hunting for. Give them what they want!! I know those other sites are good, but you will not beat youtube in terms of traffic. They are the powerhouse, and main player. SO you will get the best results from uploading to them. As long as you follow my #key rules# above. Video marketing is still very popular and can bring you insane results. Good luck. Well everyone said everything i was going to say... Yea, I've been thinking of going to Vimeo Quote: Quote: Thanks for the post friend. Very useful. Eventhou there is nothing as big as YouTube, I find Vimeo to be goo alternative to it.... Quote: Quote: Quote: Here is my list for youtube Alternatives..... 5min.comAol Videoclipsercollegehumour.comdaily motiondalealplay.comfliggo.comgoogle videoshulu.comliveleak.commetacafe.commy space videospeekvid.comviddlervideo The best alternatives for Youtube are DailyMotion, Vimeo, Viddler and Metacafe. But I would consider other sites that are listed above. For hosting you could try TechSmith |, online video sharing, Home I think they allow like 2gb of videos per free account. I am intending to use the ranking of multiple YouTube videos, with me speaking to the camera etc, as another source of traffic, since they seem to be quite easy to rank when some backlinks are sent to the video. However, I am also concerned that YouTube could remove the entire collection in one fell swoop since they don't seem to be particuarly keen of any sign of internet marketing or make money online mentioned in the video. I am considering maybe purchasing one of the Wordpress Video Sitemap plugins and hosting my own videos to have total control of them and not be dependent on YouTube. I wonder how easy those self-hosted videos would be to rank compared to YouTube ones. For storage you can check these sites.... (service offered by megaupload) Vimeo and Viddler can give you high quality videos (good for presentations on websites). Couple bucks a month. I'd say it really depends what you're looking for out of the videos though. SEO, sales pitch, intro vid? Social media has evolved fast and people nowadays utilize this form of information dissemination whatever the reason may be. Having videos presented and making it available to everyone is still the best marketing strategy that anyone could think of right now, especially if you can do it for free. YouTube is popular worldwide and no doubt that in any country you go, people know what YouTube is all about. It is like part of your reflexes when you want to watch on how to earn money. The first thing that you will normally open is YouTube as you start doing your search. If your business can go on a global scale and YouTube is no longer viable, then I believe that Vimeo will help you a lot. You can place a link at the end of the video and people can go to these sites directly after watching your presentation. It’s instant marketing at its finest. vimeo is the best. u can have a paid account for $10 a month and add privacy to your vid etc. really good service. and cheap. or u can just use it free too. if you wanna get more serious. u can always get easy video player 2. that is a self hosted platform with amazon s3 to stream your vids. u can hide your controls, remove the pause button, get stats on when ppl stop watching your video so u can make changes and convert more. super powerful. hope that helps... How do they determine if a video is a marketing video?The reason I say that is that an educational video can sometimes seem like a marketing video. Do they send a warning? Or you just get your account shut down? Who has had there account shut down? What specific videos or keyword(s) would prompt Youtube to shut someone down? There are so many alternatives out there, but I would like to recommend Vimeo and DailyMotion as the top choices for Youtube alternatives. Quote: I use IMTOOLSUITE myself. Plus it has other awesome tools as well. Email me at chrisjenva [@] if you want the link. Quote: You could try googling or use viddler or one of those. I guess vimeo is a good alternative We use Vimeo PRO & are testing out uQast. Best, Bryan Dulaney Vimeo and buzznet are good try it highly recommended for everyone Google videos is the best alternative Sadly Youtube does not have good alternatives in the market. But you can use website like Dailymotion, Metacafe, Vimeo etc. I think Vimeo and Metacafe are the best solution now I concur with the youtube statement...just because things are changing on whats being posted...doesn't mean you should abandon youtube all together...sure you can post to more sites.....but of course youtube is the main beast.....if we have problems getting sites to rank on google do we just forget we learn what google wants and cater to it as such...same with bank everything at once...spread the with everything in business...