Your thoughts on this article


New Member
I ran across this article, and was pretty turned off after just a few lines. Here's the first paragraph:Quote:people worry far too much about DMOZ. It's just a directory. A link from DMOZ has no greater effect that a link from any page of equal quality.DMOZ is good no matter how you put it.It's no better than any other link . DMOZ is just a directory, It doesn't have any special powers.What makes it so special?It is special that many, many other sites makes mirror sites of the DMOZ listings and therefor a single listing in DMOZ ends up giving you many links for free - not great quality, but more than you asked for.Not to mention that Google directory itself uses dmoz data verbatim. hadn't heard about that dyefade. Hopefully DMOZ will speed up it's slow death so we can all forget about it.Solutions, Maybe i am old fasioned, But the last thing i want is backlinks from scraper sites.Yeah, it is true about the coma of dmoz. I am an editor of dmoz but having problem logging in. According to resource-zone:Quote: