You'll Make More $$$ On This Forum If You...


Staff member
I have no hard data to back this up, but I'm confident...

You'll Make More $$$ On This Forum If You...

Put up a real picture of yourself.

Now I know not everyone has the hot looks of Eric Louviere, but I'm willing to bet adding a happy pic to your avatar will do wonders for you.


1. People will remember you easier
2. People will trust you more
3. People will associate you face with something or someone they recognize
4. They may have the hots for you
5. They will be able to pick you out at a seminar.

I could keep going and going.

The internet is changing very fast, and those who are not afraid of transparency stand to make a lot more cash then those who are hiding behind the scenes and afraid to show their face.

Anyhow, it's just my opinion. I could be wrong, but I highly doubt it.


PS: Allen, thanks for giving the forum a more personal feel. I like it way better, and have already been able to use the pics of people to remember a lot more users.