Why when I create a fulltext index does my match / against query return no results?


New Member
I've created a \[code\]FULLTEXT\[/code\] index ...\[code\]ALTER TABLE pads ADD FULLTEXT search (Keywords, ProgramName, English45)\[/code\]ProgramName is a Varchar however, even if I don't add that in the index I still get no results. In my list of indexes Cardinality is 1 for this index.Heres the query I'm using.\[code\]select PadID from Pads WHERE MATCH(keywords,ProgramName,English45) AGAINST('games')\[/code\]However, this is my goal.\[code\]select PadID from Pads WHERE MATCH(keywords,ProgramName,English45) AGAINST('games') AND RemovemeDate = '2001-01-01 00:00:00' ORDER BY VersionAddDate DESC\[/code\]Here's my Pads Table fields.
I need my query to return the word where it occurs as part of the three fields.