Why the site is moving down and up on google results ?


New Member
Hi,I have a website. It is about 1 years old. About 2 months ago, it was not listed at the search results of "millipiyango" keyword. Then It became 2nd position at the results. This continued about 3-4 weeks than it went down to the 8th position. What can be the reason?The address is : http://www.sabahsabah.comHow can i go upper again ?Your positioning will change daily...that's how a search engine works. You need to practice and learn good seo and you will be able to keep it at a more constant position.I track hundreds of keywords and they move at least a few positions per week.This is normal.Bcoz everyday thousands of sites are launching and google loves new sites to index with fresh content so sometimes our site is moving up and down.you have to remember you aren't the only person competing in the serps.So if other people are making efforts to increase thier serps it means if they go up you have to go down.subet wrote: