Why does the IOC still refuse to sponsor a memorial for the Israeli athletes murdered in Munich in 1


New Member
http//www.debbieschlussel.com/archives/004136print.html<br />
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As noted in the article to which I linked, they sponsored a memorial service for Florence Griffith-Joyner, yet to date have never memorialized or otherwise paid tribute to the 11 Israeli Olympians who were kidnapped and murdered by Palestinian terrorists at the 1972 Munich Olympics.<br />
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The IOC claims that to do so would be to "politicize" the Games. How would this be politicization, but admitting a team from the fictional nation of "Palestine", whose president is the man who paid for the attack in 1972, is not?<br />
doctor It's fictional because it's not a country. Your link talks about the "Palestinian Authority". That's not a sovereign nation, and has no business having an Olympic team, a seat at the UN, or anything else which is found among the perquisites of nationhood.<br />
non Why must you apologists constantly lie? No refugee camp was struck in retaliation for Munich. The Israeli government did indeed seek retribution by killing those responsible, as would any other nation.<br />
shan Those people were killed for the sole reason that they were Jews representing their homeland at the Olympic Games. They had done NOTHING wrong, and should be memorialized by the IOC, whose p*ss-poor security was directly responsible for their deaths.<br />
non If you're referring to Operation Spring of Youth, it was a legitimate raid to kill top PLO targets, and had nothing whatsoever to do with any refugee camp. It was in Beirut, and killed between 12 and 100 PLO operatives, (according to different sources), 3 civilians, and 2 members of Sayeret Matkal (Israeli Special Forces).<br />
shan "Palestine" is fictional because it has no established boundaries, no internationally recognized government, no military, and is de facto ruled by another nation. In the unlikely event that changes, we can talk about it. As it stands today, "Palestine" is almost as real as the Easter Bunny.<br />
non You need to qwuit getting your news from such biased sources. There was no such massacre, period. If you still hold there was, please cite a source which isn't slightly toi the left of Lenin.<br />
non I'm not denying the Lillehammer incident, although it garnered FAR more attention than it deserved. I am most certainly denying your "refugee camp massacre".<br />


New Member
Because the Isrealies immediately bombed a refuge camp - and killed and wounded 200+ innocent palestinian refugees and sent death squads all around the globe that killed innocent people in retaliation?

Sigh..what I said is completely factual you can look it up anywhere.

I don't agree with the label appologist..(aside from the fact I have nothing to appologise for) but you can see the qaundry the IOC are in.

Nope I am refering to the lillihamer affair and the attacking of Palistinian refugee camps that are documented in this link.


Are you actually saying this didn't happen? That the Lillihammer affair didn't happen - (where mosad agents were arrested and convicted - in that well documented case after killing a innocent person) or the attack on the refugee camp didn't happen?

You honestly can't be denying this?

And you have the cheek to label me a appologist.

The bombing of the refugee camp was even alluded to in that rewriting of history speilberg spewed forth for god sakes.


New Member
I think they need the Richard Jewell Memorial, too. Shouldn't we acknowledge ALL the victims of the Army of God, right-wing Eric Rudolph?


New Member
The simple reason is that the IOC is and has to be a non-political orginisation, its not the job of the IOC to sponsor anything of the sort.

And as to your fictional nation of palestine jibe, you clearly do not understand international politics, after the collapse of any empire, new countries form as best they, it happened in europe as the middle east. Who are you to say what makes a nation and what doesn't? The people of palestine are ethnically diffirent from other people in the region, its not their fault you think every middle eastern person looks the same.


New Member
They also said they didn't want to politicize these olympics while barring Iraq from taking part wholly due to politics...

Essentially you cannot disband the NOC committe in your own country from a democratically elected government....

But you CAN bold-faced lie to the IOC about giving journalists access to sites and allowing certain freedoms..

Its always political with these things......its just up to them which they choose to focus on. The main things that drive this are profits, market exposure and corporate sponsors. So long as nothing upsets those three carts, everyone in power is fine.


New Member
It's all about marketing, publicity, making it a big show.

Look, this fellow Phelps just blew Mark Spitz's records away, and no one is really surprised, they've been hyping that for a while, but....

why didn't they give Spitz an official invitation? Make him part of the big show?

Because there was no "big show" in it. They didn't see the drama, the appeal, the publicity.

Same with memorializing a tragedy. I don't think they see a way to sell more tickets and advertising by doing it, and they are probably right.