Why did Obama lie to his supporters and promise change in Washington, but then chose Biden as his VP


New Member
Why did Obama offer his supporters change and then resort to politics as usual by picking Biden as his VP. Biden stand for every inch of the same old politics in America, 35 year worth of it.<br />


New Member
Because he's a follower not a leader, the powers that be told him that's what he had to do.
McCain 08


New Member
Because he wants our votes period

He thinks we are so brainwashed that we will think Biden is an agent of change too haha


New Member
Here the diffrence biden vp

Obama Preisdent.

Can you grasp that?

God i love to see when someone types Nobama and gets two thumbs up.

can you be anymore stubborn?


New Member
I love how Obama's supporters attacked McCain because he's been in Congress for 25 years - so they consider him a typical politician and someone who won't go for "change".

Yet they applaud Obama for selecting someone for the Vice President who has been a Senator for 36 years. I wonder how they justify that in their mind, if McCain is "business as usual" with 25 years experience, but Biden is "change" with 36 years experience.


New Member
cause he is viewed as weak and getting weaker
despite all of the Media
doing Obama cheers and kissin his butt
he is still losing ground and the confidence of Mr and Mrs Mainstream America

I think it has to do with the fact that he talks like a Carnival Barker
and shouts like Jesse Jackson
hurts peoples ears

plus he has hidden his Wife and that has people wondering also

sad very sad


New Member
Change is just a word. Unless he specifically states what change, it will be just a word. A word that influences your minds when you repetitively hear it."Make the lie big, make it simple, keep repeating it and eventually they will believe you." - Adolf Hitler

I'm not saying Obama is Hitler, but that is how the word "change" operates on peoples minds.


New Member
NOcain."I didn't decide to run for president to start a national crusade for the political reforms I believed in or to run a campaign as if it were some grand act of patriotism. In truth, I wanted to be president because it had become my ambition to be president. . . . In truth, I'd had the ambition for a long time."

- John McCain, Worth the Fighting For

NOcain makes me want to vomit.
This question has been asked cause I think I answered it 7 times already so next time check the search box.....Biden is not a stuck man. McCain is a stuck man still telling his 40 year old war story. Biden is not telling about his story cause when you have a real tragedy you change. If a person is telling it 35-40 years later there has been no change....It is so hard to change when you lose close loved ones before what you originally think is there time. Biden has moved forward, he lives in the NOW, which is the only time you can make CHANGES. He is a hero & an honorable man.


New Member
Obama - Change and New Ideas
Biden - Experience and Execution

I don't see how one cancels the other out. Why can't you see that they both bring these strengths to the table? Especially since they have the same views on the issues.

One will have the new ideas. The other has the experience either to say that won't work or the execution to make it happen. In the end, the team forms change.


New Member
LOL, Biden is an example of change. He actually says what he is thinking, unlike ALL of the rest of them. Unfortunately for Obama's detractors he ALSO has the experience that they claim Obama is lacking...what kind of lies are you going to conjure up now?? It is so funny.


New Member
I just find it amusing that Obama picked someone who told us all that Obama was not ready to be president.These people are such liars they make me sick.Now he is so happy to be running with a man he said is not president material.


New Member
obama is the worst! everyone who agrees with me should go vote him down on this page.. you'll get a free gift card if you do!