Which has better games...Nintendo DS or PSP?

i have both of these hand consoles they are both good but ds does good games like pokemon but not so good graphics and the psp has good graphics for wat it is but not so good games so watever u think is best your choice!
Obviously PSP has the superb games. I always like to play with this console because I like the features of it and it has outstanding games like call of duty, medal of honor, Age of empire.
According to me, both the consoles are good. Because both consoles had a good games but my point of view PSP is better gaming console because it has good games with great graphics and all other facilities for gaming.
PSP for sure. Wouldn’t recommend anyone to purchase a Nintendo DS. When the FIFA 2013 was released I wanted to for the PSP which I got but my brother who wanted the same game couldn’t get it. Because it took some time for them to release it to the Nintendo platform.