What would you like to say to skin sellers?

hey Sellers, listen, I will pay

  • when you have sorted all those bugs!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • when it is compliant with 3.8.1

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • when it is 1000-vb.org-hacks-ready!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • When you will let us try your stuff before buying (as laws forsee)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Non of the above, I agree with Hoxxys post.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


New Member
This thread is dedicated to our friend Chris from vbskinclub.com that has recently deleted his demo forum cause some pirates had ripped it on vbteam ;) Shame on them ;)

Feel free to add other answers
Whats the point of this poll?

If it wasn't for vb style designers like chris you would have to create a style youself or stick with what evr comes your way

as to the options...
"when you have sorted all those bugs!"
The copys on vBTEAM are rips so maybe the ripper is not as good as he / she thinks.

"When it is compliant with 3.8.1"
The ripper could have done that if they had a copy of 3.8.1 so not original designers fault.

"When it is 1000-vb.org-hacks-ready!"
Every skin is different, so not all will be compatible with every vB mod ever made.

"When you will let us try your stuff before buying (as laws forsee)"
No real comment on this one.

Note I do not know Chris from vbskinclub and as an all round ripper myself I would have got round to doing over his site at some point, I just think as a designer myself that this poll is stupid thats all....
I think that the skinners should stay skinning, but do it for free, and also, not lose it when someone rips thier skin. I don'y sdee eXtremepixels going crazy after ONE skin?

I agree with both of you, Hoxxy and difo.
Hoxxy said:
Whats the point of this poll?
To make Chris understand his behavior was childish. I can not believe he could not expect what happened ;)

If it wasn't for vb style designers like chris you would have to create a style youself or stick with what evr comes your way
Agree but the thing is that as A EU citizen I have the right to test things before paying for it. So why do not they let me test it before? We all know that because of hacks or anything we have 80% chance the skin will not work AS IS on our mock-up and they never deliver support service as they all pretend, often because they do not have the knowledge! I have better service here I can tell you ;)

as to the options...
"when you have sorted all those bugs!"
The copys on vBTEAM are rips so maybe the ripper is not as good as he / she thinks.
The thing is that I used to pay in the past and it was never possible to get reimbursed when not working.
Do not despise your own forum, Sir. Skins on vbteam are often BETTER than the original ones! Because rips try to comply with latest vb release.

"When it is compliant with 3.8.1"
The ripper could have done that if they had a copy of 3.8.1 so not original designers fault.
Do not agree. When you sell something at 20 euros/pounds it has be be updated!

"When it is 1000-vb.org-hacks-ready!"
Every skin is different, so not all will be compatible with every vB mod ever made.
Was kidding on that one. But I expect a skin to be at least compliant with Thanks/Groan hacks and believe me that is not always the case.

"When you will let us try your stuff before buying (as laws forsee)"
No real comment on this one.
As I wrote above, this is THE point. They have to abide by the law too! We all are entitled to support after buying!

Note I do not know Chris from vbskinclub and as an all round ripper myself I would have got round to doing over his site at some point, I just think as a designer myself that this poll is stupid thats all....
This is your site and i really love it. You can remove that funny poll if you do not like it (or just put it in the Fun Stuff forum ;))

For me what is really stupid this is to close a demo forum. What does this guy believe? Does he know what this industry looks like? Was he told of internet before? What will he do now? Will he ask his customers to remove the skins he sold because it could be ripped? Did he think one of his customers could have an account here? ;) I suppose he will remove his portfolio cause some could go and rip his customers' skins too...
Preposterous. Non-sense. Insane.
I believe the demos are the way they let us try the skins before buying them.

I'm not familiar with this guy's situation and removing those demos will surely (unfortunately) hurt his business in the end, but I can understand his frustration.
Being ripped off is not a pretty feeling and I know most people here are pro-everything should be free and all that shit, it's easy to say that when your work is not being stolen and if it is and you still have that opinion, then your opinion really counts, otherwise I think we should just STFU.

I think that the skinners should stay skinning, but do it for free, and also, not lose it when someone rips thier skin. I don'y sdee eXtremepixels going crazy after ONE skin?

And strippers should blow me for free as well, but they don't and they really shouldn't, everyone has to put food on their table one way or another.

I use both legit and illegal stuff, I'm not saying I'm a Saint or anything, I just don't feel entitled to anything, as a lot of people in the warez world seem to feel.
DON said:
delete this thread.. no offence, but it's a lame topic. who really cares???


The honest answer here is:
"I will pay when I'm being forced to pay, as long as I can get it for free I won't"

Which is perfectly fine, let's just save us the bs.
Sorry dude but this is beyond the point. Chris all knew that before. So why is he crying now? Thats the question.

That will never be possible to protect your skin as it will never be possible to protect your song (whatever technology they use you will ever be able to catch the sound with a mike from the speaker). So the real problem is that those people have to change their business model. They pretend to sell service. In fact they just sell a product, pretending to sell service, and they believe after getting the money they can forget you. They all say "Any problem, just post on our "support" forum". We all know this is crap. When there is a problem with a skin you need the admin account and investigate files. They have to understand that selling service is different from selling a product. And when you sell service you have to comply with service regulation. THEY consider they are exempt from applying the law (they believe we do not have their IPs).

arr0w said:
otherwise I think we should just STFU.
This is not the purpose of a forum ;)

please Chris register here. We want your say ;)
arr0w said:
I believe the demos are the way they let us try the skins before buying them.
Not convincing. You just can not test anything with a demo. Too many things depend on tour host and your hacks (I am sure you knew). Without the files there is no way to be sure that will work. And now Chris has deleted his one.

arr0w said:
I'm not familiar with this guy's situation and removing those demos will surely (unfortunately) hurt his business in the end,
Precisely this is what is preposterous.
i would say, make them affordable and more people will buy them. I am a loyal customer of sultantheme because they are cheap and well done.
TrainerScape said:
I would say,
Don't pay for vBulletin.
Don't buy themes.
Use nulled vBulletin.
Rip themes.

If enough people did this then there would be no vbulletin to null, or skins to rip. I think if they were made affordable especially during these times that more people would buy them.

I for one love my nulled vb (and ripped skins (some i purchased afterward). I will buy a vb license as soon as i can afford it thanks to vbteam allowing me to test vb.

I already purchased a software that was $450 and regret it. Had i had the opportunity to test that product I would have never purchased it or used it afterward. I feel that the designers and coders deserve to get paid for their efforts especially if you are using their products. I don't feel that i am entitled to anything that is available (free or not) in vbteam.info, I am just very thankful it is.