Very Strange issue Apache


New Member
I'm hosting websites for over 2 years on self managed servers, so I know the basic stuff.
I'm getting a very strange issue, which its like a paranormal activity, its not logic, and really got no idea how to solve or what to find.

I'm using Centos & Apache, and trying to add a Virtual Host.
I'm adding it, its resolving correctly and I have an image hosting script which works correctly on other domains on the same server, using the same directive.
So putting the script to domain 1 work perfect, and putting to domain 2, I get a 404 when trying to upload an image. Same .htaccess !

How could this be possible and any ideas where to look and how to solve it? Could you post your VirtualHost directives here so we can see? <VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot "/home/"
<Directory "/home/">
allow from all
Options +Indexes
</VirtualHost> Hi, try:

Code: <virtualhost *:80> ServerAdmin [email protected] ServerName ServerAlias DocumentRoot /home/ <directory home/> Options -Indexes AllowOverride All </directory></virtualhost>However, you should create a www folder in home / youruser Have no idea what was wrong, but always after some time, fresh start and new ideas, in the end it has to work ;)

Problem solved, thanks #KiR*, I have used your "template" and its working Good, good luck for the future ;).