vBWorks.BlueFox -Final.Realise


New Member
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#                                              #
#  # Realise Name Bluefox 3.8.0 - Final        #
#  # Demo   www.vBworks.co.uk/forum?styleid=3  #
#  # Ported by [email protected]/forum/       #
#                                              #

#                                              #
#              # Install Guide                 #
#                                              #
#  # Upload bluefox folder to your /images/    #
#  # Folder , Import the XML via styles/temp   #
#  # Replace your Defualt language with the    #
#  # bluefox_phrases.xml and your navbar will  #
#  # be fixed  /end install guide              #
#                                              #

Final 3.8.0 Realise Until 3.8.1 Is Realised. No template errors or glitches to date. No outdated templates.​


New Member
i like it how do i make the width of the page bigger because i like the skins very large like side ways and this one is really small


New Member
jcosta71292 said:
i like it how do i make the width of the page bigger because i like the skins very large like side ways and this one is really small
to make the page width bigger you need a different xml. it is tin the folder and is called bluefox-+.xml.


New Member
applepod124 said:
to make the page width bigger you need a different xml. it is tin the folder and is called bluefox-+.xml.
Would like fluid mod too.

Sorry but I can not see that in the folder.


New Member
appears that the thread allignments and legecy postbit for this one how can i fix i don't like to see post bit on top its whack help


New Member
difo said:
Would like fluid mod too.

Sorry but I can not see that in the folder.

"AdminCP" > "Styles & Templates" > "Style Manager"

Than click "StyleVars" from the drop down box to the right of the style name. You'll see an option called "Main Table Width (pixels or percentage)" ... change that value to whatever size you like. I would recommend using 100%

appears that the thread allignments and legecy postbit for this one how can i fix i don't like to see post bit on top its whack help

I know. I hope someone can share a fix with us soon! :(
I'd fix it but I'm not so good at theming yet.