vBWorks.BlueFox-[3.8.0] - Latest.


New Member
[ Bluefox for VB 3.8.0 ]

With my first realise there where teplates that needed reverting these have been fixed in this relise and your forum will work as a 3.8.0 forum should with all fetures.

No templates need reverting!

Upload the bluefox folder to your sites /forum/images/ folder.

Import the style via cPanel.

Go to lang/phrases replace your english ( US ) lang with the bluefox_phrases.XML

2. Cookie errors fix import autoremembermebox.xml via manage products on the admin cpanel

- Ported by : www.vBWorks.co.uk/

- Demo on site : www.vBWorks.co.uk/forum/?styleid=3