Using Protein Supplements Following Bariatric Surgery


New Member
If you are extremely overweight and have decided to consider bariatric surgery as a weight loss option, there are a number of things that you need to consider, including the changes you are going to have to make in your current eating habits. For one thing, you will not be able to eat as much, so you will need to eat small portions of healthy foods that are high in protein. Or you could use protein supplements, both in your meals and as meal replacements.

Any surgery, but especially bariatric surgery, is extremely hard on the body, and following this type of surgery, you are going to need plenty of protein, not only for muscle growth and recovery but to provide you with energy. If you are planning to incorporate high-protein foods into your low-calorie diet, make sure that you eat your foods in a specific order, with the proteins being eaten first.

The majority of healthy adults require between 50 and 75 grams of protein daily. Bariatric surgery patients require even more, as much as 100 grams daily. In order to get the protein that you need following bariatric surgery but not add calories, you should consider using protein supplements.

Types of Protein Supplements

There are many types of protein supplements available, so you need to do your research to make sure that you are using the one that is right for you. Sit down and talk with your physician or dietician to create the best meal plan that includes protein supplements. He or she will be able to help you decide which ones will work best with your weight loss plan. Types of protein supplements include whey, soy, rice, egg and casein.


New Member
Health is wealth and also there are many people who are facing some problems with their weight or some other problems then there are many things that they can do for come out from it.