Unexplainable behavior in Chrome, is it my code or theirs?

I have webpage with a video element nested in a div class="video-container" along with a div class="video-control-bar" which I am using JQuery to animate. I am also using setInterval to query the currentTime of the video element and reflect that in the progress bar contained in the video-control-bar.JavaScript:\[code\]$(function(){ $(".video-container").each(function(){ player_init($(this)) })})function player_init(self){ setInterval(function(){ var video = self.find("video")[0] self.find(".video-control-bar").find(".video-position").find("input").val(video.currentTime / video.duration) self.find(".video-control-bar").find(".video-position").find("progress").val(video.currentTime / video.duration) }, 500) self.hover(function(){ self.find(".video-control-bar").stop().animate({bottom: "0px"}, 25) }, function(){ self.find(".video-control-bar").stop().animate({bottom: "-39px"}, 350) })}\[/code\]Problem? Well, in Chrome, if I load the page, my setInterval function gets called every 500ms like expected, until I mouse over the player, causing the control-bar animation. After that no further calls are made to my setInterval function.HOWEVER if I hit refresh, the page reloads and I can mouse over it all I want and everything continues working correctly. But only if I load the page via a refresh.This doesn't happen in Firefox. I suspect it may be a bug in Chrome, as it is similar to a problem I submitted here.I really have no idea if it's a problem with the way I'm doing things, an issue with JQuery or a bug in Chrome. I really don't care who's bug it is, I just want things to work.Thanks.