TUFaT v3.1.1 NULLIFIED by vB Lider

vB Lider

New Member
         ____    _      _     _          
        |  _ \  | |    (_)   | |          
 __   __| |_) | | |     _  __| | ___ _ __
 \ \ / /|  _ <  | |    | |/ _` |/ _ \ '__|
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   \_/  |____/  |______|_|\__,_|\___|_|
<script type="information">
Script Name   : TUFaT
Script Version: v3.1.1
Nulled name   : TUFaT.v3.1.1.PHP.NULL-vBLider
Script type   : PHP/MySQL
Supplied by   : vB Lider                                         
Nullified by  : vB Lider                                   
Tested by     : vB Lider                                     
Protection    : Removed
Homepage      : http://www.tufat.com/
Release date  : 20/02/2009                                   
Price         : $5 USD
Your Price    : $0

<script type="description">
Create your family tree online, and let your family members all over the world add to it. Includes dozens of viewing options and
administrative controls, import/export capabilities, image galleries, dynamic templates, and many more features.

<script type="release notes">
1. Unpack
2. Upload
3. Install
3. Enjoy
Thank to you for provide it!! ;)