TouchSupport Review - 10/10


New Member

In June I signed up with touch support for their admin lite plan @ $49 month.

Before i start my review, I am one of these type of people who can never be satisfied and always want more, Touch support are probably the first company I have ever come across to exceed my expectations.

When i signed up I spoke with Dave, who gave me allot of friendly advice about the company and made me feel very welcome.

I like the way there 24x7x365 helpdesk respond to my server admin questions and normally have a resolution within 5 - 10 minutes (average).

Pat W & Rob G I have dealt with the most (due to my time zone) and these guys are great, they always come across very polite and professional and most of all fast!

If anyone is looking for server admin I can honestly say take a look at USA based support from $49 month, what more could anyone want! Outsourcing our linux server support to them has saved my company ALLOT of money and time! I like things done fast, I work fast myself, and like things extremely fast for my clients, so I needed a company who can work as fast as I do, and i Finally found one. No matter what day or time, touch are always there and waiting.

Also just to Add, I am not a linux expert, I have always been a Windows guru, so starting a linux platform was scary for me, but I like to learn, when ever something has been fixed/changed/setup, I ask touch how it was done and I get a response within just a couple of mins with how it was done, since using touch my linux knowledge has really increased.

So a massive thanks to everyone at touchsupport.comThank you for the review. If we ever need an outside admin company we will certainly look at TouchSupport.Good choice ;)I switched from a very unreliable management company (where no management was done and they kept getting my monthly subscription) to touchsupport around 5-6 months ago. Touchsupport has been doing a very great job and they have shown their level of expertise many times during this period.How can there be folks offering 45 bucks/month server management while others cost 500 bucks for 5 hours? For 45 bucks/month they do it all, even restore in case of disaster, install softwares, etc?! Thanks.Which is a good company for server management with Windows/helm panel? ThanksHow can there be folks offering 45 bucks/month server management while others cost 500 bucks for 5 hours?

For 45 bucks/month they do it all, even restore in case of disaster, install softwares, etc?!


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have a lookWhat country are they out of?What country are they out of? :usflag: Location Touch Support is strategically located in downtown Lafayette, Indiana, USA. Our unique location puts us at the nexus of three local sources of highly technical talent. By utilizing the resources available to us and due to our unique approach to hands-on training, we are in the perfect position to become the leader in outsourced technical support.Which is a good company for server management with Windows/helm panel?


Touch support will soon be doing windows/helm support, its on their website.Good job touchsupport!How can there be folks offering 45 bucks/month server management while others cost 500 bucks for 5 hours? Just like how do some hosts offer $1/month plans while others offer $40/month plans. The answer is different markets. :)but in this case its the best quality ever :)Anyone tried them for phone support?Very nice review, glad Touchsupport is doing well :)

Anyone tried them for phone support?

You mean contacting them via phone or them offering phone support for your customers? I dont see phone support anywhere but they do have a phone # if thats what you mean :)I have contacted them on the phone before, they answered quick, but it wasn't for support, it was to speak to one of the staff about adding more servers for support.I sent them a sales question 19 hours ago with follow ups and have not heard from them yet. What is the best way to contact them.they only have a few sales staff, i spoke to dave (dave [at] theres lots of support staff though. Just wait they will get back to ya ;)Thanks for the review!This is very good to know. I was debating between them and acunett.well i recommend these guys! if you do signup, let me know :) tell me how you enjoyed your experience with them.I sent out an email to 3 outsourced support agencies and Touchsupport was the only one to reply. I sent it over the labor day weekend and wasn't expecting to get a reply until today, but Grady gave me detailed answers and was very welcoming. I can't wait to sign up with Touch Support.Excellent :)

well i hope you enjoy their support as much as i do.Wait 'til you hear my review... not so flatteringWait 'til you hear my review

... not so flattering

Why is that then?Wait 'til you hear my review... not so flatteringI'd like to hear it too.I'll be signing up for a Dedicated Tech.TouchSupport is an awesome company all around. They show a level of professionalism to their clients and to your clients that is not seen in this industry veyr often - especially by other outsourced support providers. Their server management is on that infamous short list of top providers.Wish you the best.I'm thinking about signing with them. Hope they won't disappoint like PSM did.I just had a look at them because I've never heard of them and they seem to be similiar to PSM. But I love my experience at PSM, so I won't change anytime soon.Cheers for the review!I have had responses from support I know were from Touch Support, since a couple of my hosts use them. Most of the time, their answers are ok, but sometimes some of their techs seem to need a bit more education on basic things because their answers are bizarre (not addressing what I sent in) or just wrong.I'm thinking about signing with them. Hope they won't disappoint like PSM did.
I think you will be pleasantly surprised.

I just had a look at them because I've never heard of them and they seem to be similiar to PSM. But I love my experience at PSM, so I won't change anytime soon.
They are pretty different from PSM. AFAIK, PSM does not proactively update server software like Apache or PHP. You have to enter a ticket to get that done. TS does it as scheduled maintenance.

I have had responses from support I know were from Touch Support, since a couple of my hosts use them. Most of the time, their answers are ok, but sometimes some of their techs seem to need a bit more education on basic things because their answers are bizarre (not addressing what I sent in) or just wrong.
If the response doesn't say TS, then how do you know the responses are from them? The hosts could be using them for management and not customer service. Unless you know for sure, I'd hesitate to say that their techs need more education. That has not been my experience at all.If the response doesn't say TS, then how do you know the responses are from them? The hosts could be using them for management and not customer service. Unless you know for sure, I'd hesitate to say that their techs need more education. That has not been my experience at all. Since it hasn't been your experience, it couldn't possibly be true or accurate? What part of "I have had responses from support I know were from Touch Support" do you not grasp? I wouldn't have said that if I did not know, 100%, that the responses I had received were from Touch Support. I stand by my statement: some of their techs, just like some of every tech support group, anywhere in the world, for any product, could use more education. They are no different because they do web hosting support, and there are always some techs in any group who are just not as good as others.Since it hasn't been your experience, it couldn't possibly be true or accurate?
That's not it at all. I was making the statement that my experience differs. Of course, it would be helpful to know what the subjects were that they had trouble with that leads you to feel that they should be better educated.have you ever used their outsourcing?have you ever used their outsourcing?
As an end user of a reseller web host (which is their direct client) I have used them twice with mixed reviews.

1) First ticket I asked them to install RoundCube webmail on my resellers account. I received quick replies that they're working on it and 3 status updates. 48 hours later they replied stating they couldn't. 3 weeks later the web host owner PM'd me on WHT stating they found a safe alternative to install RoundCube and apologized for the extreme delay.

2) I asked for my web hosts DNS name servers which they promptly provided and they worked.

I'd like to test them more but I'm out of ideas on types of support requests to submit. My (free) web host clients are pretty low maintenance.I have no idea why TouchSupport getting positive reviews:I contacted them, they did not respond, then i contacted again, They replied this time and they said they were sorry for the delay and they were going to give a quote within a few hours. That was 3 days ago, still nothing.I have no idea why TouchSupport getting positive reviews:
I contacted them, they did not respond, then i contacted again, They replied this time and they said they were sorry for the delay and they were going to give a quote within a few hours. That was 3 days ago, still nothing.
Sounds like you have a sales issue, in my experience, support from a plan is prompt and helpful.

Did you use the support desk? I've never had an unanswered ticket.thanks for th reviewTouchSupport is an awesome company. One of the companies I used to work for used them. Good job guys!