Tips and Tricks to speed up an SQL [closed]


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\[quote\] Possible Duplicate:
Does the order of columns in a WHERE clause matter? \[/quote\]These are the basics \[code\]SQL\[/code\] Function and Keywords.Is there any tips or trick to speed up your \[code\]SQL\[/code\] ?For example; I have a query with a lot of keywords. (\[code\]AND, GROUP BY, ORDER BY, IN, BETWEEN, LIKE\[/code\]... etc.)Which Keyword should be on top in my query?How can i decide it?Example;\[code\]Where NUMBER IN (156, 646)AND DATE BETWEEN '01/01/2011' AND '01/02/2011'\[/code\]OR\[code\]Where DATE BETWEEN '01/01/2011' AND '01/02/2011'AND NUMBER IN (156, 646)\[/code\]Which one is faster? Depends of what?