Testing nested promises with Jasmine


New Member
I'm always getting null for the 'd' in my validateAsync method that needs to call the done method to get it back to the save method. I can't figure out how to use the andCallFake (required to spyOn the unique name test), but also get it to return the (jQuery) deferred to call done on. Hopefully this code will give you enough context to see what I'm trying to accomplish.\[code\] validateAsync = function () { var d, isValid = true, isUnique = false; // validate that name and description are given if (layout.Name() === '') { toastr.warning('Layout name is required', 'Layout'); isValid = false; } // validate that there are no other layouts of the same type with the same name d = uiDataService.GetIsLayoutNameUniqueAsync(layout.LayoutId(), layout.Name(), layout.LayoutTypeId()) .done(function (isUniqueResult) { isUnique = isUniqueResult.toLowerCase() === "true"; if (!isUnique) { toastr.warning('Layout name ' + layout.Name() + ' must be unique. There is already a layout with this name.', 'Layout'); } // this is always undefined in my Jasmine tests d.done(isValid && isUnique); }) .fail(function (response) { mstar.AjaxService.CommonFailHandling(response.responseText); }); return d; }, save = function () { validateAsync() .done(function (isValidResult) { var isValid = isValidResult.toLowerCase() === "true"; if (!isValid) { return; } // show a toastr notification on fail or success dataContext.SaveChanges(layout, uiDataService) .done(function (layoutIdFromSave) { toastr.success('The layout was saved. Refreshing...'); }) .fail(function () { toastr.error('There was an error saving the layout.'); }) .always(function () { // toastr.info('finished'); }); }) .fail(function () { throw new Error('There was an error validating before save'); }); }; // in uiDataService getIsLayoutNameUniqueAsync = function (layoutId, layoutName, layoutTypeId) { return ajaxService.AjaxGetJsonAsync(webServiceUrl + "GetIsLayoutNameUnique?layoutId=" + layoutId + "&layoutName=" + escape(layoutName) + "&layoutTypeId=" + layoutTypeId); }, // in ajaxService ajaxGetJsonAsync = function (url, cache) { return $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "json", accepts: { json: "application/json" }, cache: cache === undefined ? false : cache }); },// in a beforeEachvar getIsLayoutNameUniquePromiseSpy = spyOn(mstar.dataService.UiDataService, "GetIsLayoutNameUniqueAsync") .andCallFake(function () { spyObj.called = true; // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13148356/how-to-properly-unit-test-jquerys-ajax-promises-using-jasmine-and-or-sinon var d = $.Deferred(); d.resolve('true'); return d.promise(); });// and a testit("should show a toastr", function () { // Act vm.GetLayout().Name('Test'); vm.GetLayout().Description('Test'); vm.Save(); // Assert expect(toastr.success).toHaveBeenCalledWith('The layout was saved. Refreshing...');});\[/code\]