[Solved]Handling custom user fields with possibility of grow and shrink


New Member
This question is much about How to do, idea etc.I have a situation where user can create as many custom fields as he can of type Number,Text,Date. and use this to make a form. I have to make/design some table model which can handle and store the value so that query can be done on these values once saved.so far I have no idea on it. Previously i have done hard coded format for 25 user defined fields(UDF). i make a table with 25 column with 10 Number,10 Text and 5 Date type and store the label in it if a user make use of any field. then map it to other table which have same format and store the value.mapping is done to know which field is having what label but this is not efficient way i hope.any suggestion would be appreciated.Excuse me for my poor understanding. I'm elaborating my problem. user have permission for creating any no. of UDF of the above types. then it can be used to make forms again this is also N numbers and have to save the data for each form types.eg. lets say user created 10 number 10 date and 10 text fields used first 5 of each to make form1 and all 10 to make form2 now saved the data.My Thought on it-------------------------make a table1 with [id,name(as UDF_xxx where xxx is data type),UserLabel ]table2 to map form and table1 [id(f_key table1_id), F_id(form id)]and make 1 table of each data type as [ id(f_key of table1),F_id(form number),R_id(row id for data, would be same for all data type),value]Sorry if it looks vague or if I'm not able to make it clear.Thanks Thanks to all I'm going to implement, it both DataSet entry and json approach looks good as it gives wider extension-ability. Still I've to figure out which will best fit with the existing format.