SmoothRed - Valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional!


New Member


How do I install the Style?
1. Extract the zip files to a folder on your computer.
2. Upload the image folder "smoothred" to your forums root directory (ex: forum/smoothred).
3. Login to your Admincp in vBulletin and Click on "Style & Templates" to expand the menu.
4. In the expanded menu click on "Download / Upload Styles" , a new page will load.
5. In the new page look for: "Import Style XML File" click on browse and point it to the .xml file that you want to install
6. Press IMPORT to complete the installation

Extra Notes:

- PSDs of the Logo is provided for editing.
- PSD of Button included with ZIP.
- Style is Fluid in design. If you want fixed, just edit the width under the StyleVAR section..
- By using this skin, you agree not to remove the copyright located in the footer, nor the backlink to
- Please do not distribute this style. The only acceptable distribution method is through

Thank you for using one of our skins! Enjoy.

NOTE: To Remove Advertisements, you simply go to the ADMINCP - > Style Manager - > Edit this styles templates - >
Revert all Ad location Templates to the default vBulletin value, or if you would like to use your own ads in place of the sample ads, edit each ad location template and replace the ad code with your own.

This style has two advertising areas that are not in the Ad Location Templates. One is in the FORUMHOME template, and the other in the HEADER template. Be sure to replace with your own code or other informational item.