Shopping cart


New Member
I have searched for sometime now for a good shopping cart for vb. I have come across a few in my search. most have which have been long discontinued or no support. I have found a good digital download cart, but not what I was looking for..., cartplog was good but had little options... meaning it only allowed one drop down menu for attributes. ex: if I had a t-shirt wanted a color and a size....I had to choose one size or color the option didn't allow both, just one. Now my question is does vb have a real decent shopping cart or a way to intergrate a shopping cart into vb? I would like it to be part of the site instead of using a link in my nav menu which goes to a different url for the cart. I use that already and had it open in a new window, but wasn't that easy to make the styles match... I am not real good at that sort of stuff any help would be appreciated. OR maybe if someone could make cartplog have more than one option.... I would be willing to pay for this option..... I will also post a request for a shopping cart in the requests section. Thanks