Shiny Beige - a simple style in beige and red


New Member
"Shiny Beige" features:
  • separated/spaced forum categories
  • XHTML 1.0 Transitional
  • 90% original images
  • Another little feature or two that you'll have to discover for yourself
Installation Instructions -
  1. Download the zip file to your computer and extract it (I put it on my desktop, it's easier to remember where I put it. I do suggest moving the zip after installation to a folder on your computer so you have it as a back-up - just in case ).
  2. Open your ftp client to your server. Go to your forum's images folder, open it, and create a styles folder.
  3. Next, upload the beige folder via FTP to the styles folder that you created, so that your image path is images/styles/beige/buttons, for example.
  4. After you've uploaded the images, open your admin control panel on your forum, and import the xml file, by going to Styles & Templates > Download / Upload styles > Import Style XML File.
  5. Click on the Browse button, locate the beige-style.xml file, and double-click it so that it loads in that box, then hit the Import button.