Searching for good managed server


Staff member
Aloha Guys,

I need good server with real very good support

What I need is:
Unmetered 20 Mbps - but real one :)
500 GB HDD
1024 or 2048 RAM

Can you advice me good offer I mean offer with good price I know that I need to pay if I want quality and fast working support
Thank youHave you looked at FDCservers? They should be able to meet your bandwidth requirements, but you will need an outsourced support company.Check out Myriad Network. Tom over there will hook you up with an excellent server, all the bandwidth you want, and great support. :)What is the server for? The reason I ask is that some companies are better at managing some applications than others. Managed Hosting is a pretty large market...What is your budget also?DanCyberwurx offers managed serversm they're pretty fast in supporting. You can contact Chris to see if he can arrange anything for youWhat is the server for? The reason I ask is that some companies are better at managing some applications than others. Managed Hosting is a pretty large market...

What is your budget also?


For Adult sites using NATS and CARMA if you know that software :)
Budget hmm if you give me offer that make me feel that I don`t need to worry about server we can pay much for that feeling :)
Or maybe you know good company who will watch on my curently server and give me that feeling :)
Thanks GuysThe rules here mean nobody can make you an offer on the board, you would have to contact hosts if you want to hear from them.DanCheck out commit1.comThese guys are pretty cool.