Scrolling ibproArcade Champ Scoreboard


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Scrolling ibproArcade Champ Scoreboard On Vbulletin.

1: ///Import Plugin Definitions XML File///

Plugins & Products >> Download / Upload Plugins >> Browse,,
Find scrolling_ibproarcade_champ_scoreboard.XML
File and Import it..

2: ////Add Template:////

Title: latest_champ

<b><font size="3" color="red">$chpname</font></b> is the new
<img src="$vboptions[bburl]/arcade/images/$chpgname$smll"  title="" border=0 width=30 height=30 hspace=2 vspace=1 align=absmiddle>
<a href="$vboptions[bburl]/arcade.php?$session[sessionurl_q]&act=Arcade&do=play&gameid=$chpgid"><b><font size="3" color="red">$chpgtitle</font></b></a>
</span> Champion with a score of <b><font size="2" color="red"><i>$chpscore</i></font></b> on <i>$chpdate</i> at
<i>$chptime</i> !!&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;

3: Decide where you want to display it.
ie: I put it at the end of the navbar template. then it shows up everywhere.

a: FORUMHOME template
Add after $navbar:
b: ARCADE template
Add after $navbar:

Add the following....

<!-- scrolling ibproarcade champ scoreboard -->

<table class="tborder" cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]" cellspacing="$stylevar[cellspacing]" border="0" width="100%" align="center" style="border-bottom-width:0px">

		<td class="tcat" align="left">Arcade Champs Scoreboard</td>

<td class="alt1">
<div class="smallfont">
<marquee scrollamount="5" onmouseover="this.scrollAmount=0" onmouseout="this.scrollAmount=5">
<br />

<!-- end scrolling ibproarcade champ scoreboard -->

OK to show up in the arcade, you need to edit,

/arcade/functions/functions.php file..

global $header,




hi feckie i'm doing as it says on here but am not getting any scroll or info from arcade at all any ideas cheers

it is still blank. i don't know
any please
monkeyman said:
hi feckie i'm doing as it says on here but am not getting any scroll or info from arcade at all any ideas cheers

it is still blank. i don't know
any please

OK to show up in the arcade, you need to edit,

/arcade/functions/functions.php file..

global $header,


This is some weird shit man... it's working ok on one skin but it doesn't show any scores in the other... actually the other one isn't showing anything.
Where is the code to add........ it says "Content visible to registered users only" ??

i dont c any code.......... :(
sharaq said:
Where is the code to add........ it says "Content visible to registered users only" ??

i dont c any code.......... :(

well the code is there, must be a glitch in this forum ha ha
Smeker said:
This is some weird shit man... it's working ok on one skin but it doesn't show any scores in the other... actually the other one isn't showing anything.

Are you doing the template edits on your skins ?????

or just the default. if it is a customised style, do it on all style........
Thanks For Sharing This Hack.

On FireFox the Scrolling Bar Displays for the First Highscore Only the First Username, the First Text "is the new", the First Game Image, and then it doesn't Show anything more.

On Internet Explore and Google Chrome works Fine., Displaying all the Info for all the Latest Highscores.

Do You Know what can be Changed for it to Work on FireFox?

(I've browsed the Demo Forum you shared and I see the Truncated Info with FireFox Browser)

