SaaS company seeking reliable managed servers to accellerate


Staff member
We currently manage our own servers at a local Data Center. We have a very simple server build. Our app runs on win2k with no external SW needed. We are are overwhelmed trying to navigate/manage the growing needs of our HW infrastructure and manage the "Business" of selling, building and supporting our application. I am looking for reccamendations on the best wey for us to effectively solve the issue of "managing our infrastruture" (i.e. servers) so that our company can focus on the business of of selling, building and supporting. Thoughts...We currently manage our own servers at a local Data Center. We have a very simple server build. Our app runs on win2k with no external SW needed. We are are overwhelmed trying to navigate/manage the growing needs of our HW infrastructure and manage the "Business" of selling, building and supporting our application. I am looking for reccamendations on the best wey for us to effectively solve the issue of "managing our infrastruture" (i.e. servers) so that our company can focus on the business of of selling, building and supporting. Thoughts...Find a provider that has experience working with similar situations to yours: a team that can support the platform and make changes as necessary. Also ensure they have well-defined processes and that you are a part of those processes.Best Regards,I would recommend OpSource (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->); this is right up their alley.Have you thought about using the drop down menu at the top of the page? Select "Find a Host" and you will receive multiple bids at no cost to you.Hope this helps,AmyWould it be feasible for your apps to run on Windows 2003 or even Linux? What platform have you built on? I don't think you would find any good hosting providers that would want to support Win 2000.