Running weka through C#


New Member
I am running weka through C# code, and the code for this is given below.\[code\] using System; class MainClass { public static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Hello Java, from C#!"); classifyTest(); } const int percentSplit = 66; public static void classifyTest() { try { weka.core.Instances insts = new weka.core.Instances(new"iris.arff")); insts.setClassIndex(insts.numAttributes() - 1); weka.classifiers.Classifier cl = new weka.classifiers.trees.J48(); Console.WriteLine("Performing " + percentSplit + "% split evaluation."); //randomize the order of the instances in the dataset. weka.filters.Filter myRandom = new weka.filters.unsupervised.instance.Randomize(); myRandom.setInputFormat(insts); insts = weka.filters.Filter.useFilter(insts, myRandom); int trainSize = insts.numInstances() * percentSplit / 100; int testSize = insts.numInstances() - trainSize; weka.core.Instances train = new weka.core.Instances(insts, 0, trainSize); cl.buildClassifier(train); int numCorrect = 0; for (int i = trainSize; i < insts.numInstances(); i++) { weka.core.Instance currentInst = insts.instance(i); double predictedClass = cl.classifyInstance(currentInst); if (predictedClass = insts.instance(i).classValue()) numCorrect++; } Console.WriteLine(numCorrect + " out of " + testSize + " correct (" + (double)((double)numCorrect / (double)testSize * 100.0) + "%)"); } catch (java.lang.Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } } //end of file Main.cs\[/code\]I have added Weka.dll and ikvm.JDK.Core.dll file.But I get this error when i try to run itthe type initializer for '' threw an exceptionwhat could be the problem?