[RESOLVED] Which Scripting Language


Howdy Folks!<br />
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I'm reaching the point in my high school class website development where scripts are going to be necessary. For example, I want to be able to generate e-mail messages from a "contact us" page defined by HTML FORM elements. Another example is yearbook photo's; I expect to put them into a database where they can be searched and where other images of the same individual over time can be stored. <br />
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Since I'm learning as I go, I need to know how to choose a scripting language. I will probably have GoDaddy host my site. From what I see reading their FAQ, I'm leaning toward PHP. Is this the right one? Why? Why not? What others should I look into? I will use online tutorials to get my start in whatever scripting language I choose.<br />
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As I understand it, setting up a hosting account is recommended BEFORE delving in scripts. I don't know why this was recommended other than the effort required to Download <!--more--> and install PHP and MySQL on your own system. I would appreciate an explanation. Why can't I write and test PHP scripts like I do HTML and CSS code? I would prefer to defer setting up an actual hosting account until I feel more confident that I can produce a useful site.<br />
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If it helps, I think I've progressed to about the elementary level (6th grade) with HTML and CSS. By the time I'm through with this exercise, I anticipate being at the 12th grade level but doubt I'll ever perform at the bachelor's or master's level ('tho, who knows?). I was a mainframe COBOL programmer back in the '70's; so coding, testing, etc. aren't new concepts for me.<br />
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Sorry to be so long-winded but thought the background info might help focus responses.<br />
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TIA for any help!<!--content-->The concern with which host and which language is that it does no good to learn one particular language if the web host you use does not support it. Certainly PHP is capable and useful for what you want to do, and it is supported by pretty much any web host that runs on UNIX/Linux (and even on some Windows hosts). The same can be said for Perl, but PHP is probably easier for a beginner to learn.<!--content-->Thank you, NogDog! I selected PHP because the web host supports it (or claim they do on their website). Glad to hear it is an easier variety to learn.<!--content-->To aid in learning PHP, I recommend installing XAMPP on your PC so you can work with it locally. XAMPP installs PHP, MySQL, Apache, and phpMyAdmin for you. <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp.html">http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp.html</a><!-- m --><br />
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Be sure to make your acquaintence with <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.php.net">www.php.net</a><!-- w -->, especially <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.php.net/manual/en/">http://www.php.net/manual/en/</a><!-- m --> , and don't forget to stop by the PHP forum here at webdeveloper.com.<!--content-->