[RESOLVED] IE Display Issue


I have a website the looks fine in most browsers (firefox, sarafri, konquer) but doesn't look right In IE.

URL: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://wow.lacledeslan.com">http://wow.lacledeslan.com</a><!-- m -->

I am assuming it's a problem w/ CSS2. The website itself is Joomla (the CMS) and the theme is simple a modified version of a Joomla theme (which looks fine in IE). I am assuming I broke it when I made my modifications to it but I cannot figure out what I did to break it.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advanced!There are some improperly placed divs the might be getting you:
line 19 column 7 - Warning: discarding unexpected </div>
line 16 column 2 - Warning: <div> isn't allowed in <table> elements
line 16 column 2 - Warning: <div> isn't allowed in <table> elements
line 16 column 2 - Warning: <div> isn't allowed in <table> elements
line 16 column 2 - Warning: <div> isn't allowed in <table> elements
line 400 column 5 - Warning: discarding unexpected </td>
line 401 column 4 - Warning: discarding unexpected </tr>
line 13 column 1 - Warning: <body> proprietary attribute "marginwidth"
line 13 column 1 - Warning: <body> proprietary attribute "marginheight"
line 13 column 1 - Warning: <body> proprietary attribute "leftmargin"
line 13 column 1 - Warning: <body> proprietary attribute "rightmargin"
line 13 column 1 - Warning: <body> proprietary attribute "topmargin"
line 13 column 1 - Warning: <body> proprietary attribute "bottommargin"You are using the xml prologue which IE will choke on and go to quirks mode. Remove <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>