[RESOLVED] Css Style Underline not in BOLD ,why??


<td class="ArialNormalStyle" style="WIDTH: 640px; HEIGHT: 3px">
<asp:label id="lblDateIntimate" Runat="server" CssClass="ArialNormalStyle">Date of intimation:</asp:label>
<asp:label id="IntimateDate" Runat="server" CssClass="ArialUnderlineStyle"></asp:label>

*Hi everyone.. i faced some problem for the above coding. Firstly, this is the html code run in aspx vb studio .net 2005. and the CSS style for "ArialUnderlineStyle" is in Arial, BOLD, text decoration wil be in UNDERLINE. Ok, now when i print out the "IntimateDate" (getting from database), the date value get from the database probably will show in BOLD, UNDERLINE, Arial and size 8pt.
So now when i print out this report, the result is like this:
the Intimate Date (example 01/03/2006) will be show in BOLD; BUT the underline is not BOLD at all..!! I also been tried <U></U> and <B></B> by placing them infront the <ASP:label></ASP:label>
It's really head ache n i hv no idea..why is the Underline not in BOLD same as the date when print it out? any idea... ?

thanks first..
JeFFery. :confused:Can you post the style for ArialUnderlineStylesorry.. the ArialUnderlineStyle is the name for the class name..Yes I know this, can you post the styles for it.guy, sorry for Double Posting.. ;)
Here is the style


is there anyway to make the underlline BOLD when i print out the report? Thanks..Ok.
Just to clarify, its the underline that you actually want bold - the text is bolded properly?
Or is the text not bolding.

If the first, then what you would have to apply is a
border-bottom: 2px solid #000;
as you cannot adjust the underline itself.

If the second, hmm, maybe make it a little bolder? font-weight: bolder;text is in BOld already, so same as the underline. but when print it out, the underline is too light. It's much more different with the line i made by (shift + __ ) .

Hmm... can i just paste in the "border-bottom: 2px solid #000;" into the style sheet ?
So if do in this way, the text sure wil hv a distance with the border bottom already right?

then should i still add text decoration:underline?Well you can play with it, try removing the text-decoration: underline and replacing it with the border. Then play with the pixel value untill you achieve the result your after.

You can, though, specify a "print stylesheet" which can be entirely different to the "display stylesheet"

<style type="text/css">
@media all {
/* All your current styles here */
@media print{
text-decoration: none;
border-bottom: 2px solid #000;
}well.. it's fantastic. i solved it already. hey bathurst guy, thanks for help! thanks for sharing out the idea.

* a small prob here: can the value i get from system make it in "center" position of the asp label field?I'm not sure, i think it could, just try
text-align: center;
for the input field.