(REQ) Let PHP Live!


New Member
I got frustrated that the vBulletin template system limited me in this way so... I wrote a hack around it.

Just use <? <?php <?= as you would normally in the templates.

I'd like to see PHP based templates in the future, vBulletin! <if> is useless if I can just type <? if ?> !

Things to Remember

You cannot break up PHP blocks.

<? if (0): ?>
<? endif ?>

will not work, and you'll get a nice error message about how it didn't. If it's really a concern for anyone, I can try to get it working. In my opinion, that's not a big deal. I think PHP support sans breaking up blocks in 10 lines of hack code is pretty nice, myself.

That's a limitation of eval anyway

Variables aren't always the same in PHP mode!

While you can use $vboptions[bbtitle] in your main code and get it working, vBulletin is doing behind the scenes voodoo on stuff.

To access $vboptions[x]: $GLOBALS['vbulletin']->options['x']