reading tags


I have HTML based text in my DB.
I have some Custom Tags in this text.
How can I read the text between the custom TAGS. eg: I have the following text in the DB:

<TITLEITEM><STRONG>DBE Dynamic Boost Effect</STRONG></TITLEITEM> <SUMMARY>Small and powerful. DBE allows you to boost your Low-H2O radiators to 220%. Slim yet powerfull radiators are now possible. Developed by Jaga this is the dawn of a new era in heating.</SUMMARY> <BODYITEM><STRONG>NEW ! DBE Dynamic Boost Effect</STRONG><BR>Small and powerful. DBE allows you to boost your Low-H2O radiators to 220%. Slim yet powerfull radiators are now possible. Developed by Jaga this is the dawn of a new era in heating.<BR><BR>Jaga has made it possible to go one further if you are building and want to use the economicaly and beautiful Low-H2O products from Jaga. From now on you can ad a DBE unit.

I want the text between the titleitem tags in a label and the text between the summary tags in a label.
I already read in the full html string. but substring doesn't seem to work really good. Does anyone have an idea how to fecth tags? and the text between?

thx a lotI also tried IndexOF. no luck. anybody have a clue?