Question about e-mail marketing


New Member
Say I set everything up: Squeeze page and autoresponder sequence.. everytime someone "new" to my list that opts in it does go through the same sequence that I set the first time correct? Sorry if this is "too basic" of a question.. Im learning about e-mail marketing as seo and article writing is burning me out.. I know I can outsource writing but its better to build a list.. If you set up your autoresponder to mail out a sequence like every other day for the first ten days, then yes, everyone that opts in to that lost will receive the same sequence of mailings. Yes kb everyone goes through the same sequence Yes, everyone that opts in to your list will get the same follow up emails that you have set up no matter when they join your list. If you want to send a message that goes out specifically when you want it to to only those on the list at that time then that would be a "broadcast" message. Also, no offense to the post above, but you are correct for focusing on building your opt in list. It will be your biggest asset in IM, and it is a very affective way to market. I have another question... after you go through the sequence what else do you send them? they really don't know who I am I was just thinking about just e-mailing them like I would do with "regular e-mail".. I know people keep sending free stuff and "pitching offers" but Im really stuck in this area.. Im stuck on what to do..suggestions? So if you set it up for members to get an email on day 1 day 3 and day 7 and you have ten subscribers for that day then all ten will follow the same sequence. Then the next day the next ten will follow suit. Then if you need to send an email to everyone at the same time you send a blast. A one time email. Well how long is your sequence? What are they expecting to get from subscribing to your list. Don't just aimlessly send emails, make sure you have a clear purpose and a clear action you want people to take with each email. More details about your niche or offer for subscribing would help. I would like to build up trust before I start blasting them products.. I don't want to scam them.. I want the products that I reccomend help them.. Quote: Everybody who joins your list will follow the same email protocol. If you set the email sequence to every 3 days, then each of your subscribers will be contacted every 3 times. If you want to send out a special mailing for like a holiday... you can use a broadcast email to contact your list at special times. Make your first few emails an opportunity "get to know you" and your site. Tell them what kind of great information you'll be sending them (not promotional at this point). Once they get a feel for who you are, then send other emails that have maybe the second half more directly promotional. But then the next email could be just pure information with NO promotion. Get them comfortable with you and don't pitch all the time. You might find that they ask you questions through email and want your input on their situation. That may help you know that you have struck a good chord with them. People don't sign up for lists just to have a flurry of ads sent to them (OK maybe they do if they sign up at Target or Walmart). Generally they want more than that. They want more value besides just something you might sell them. Once they trust you and you make a recommendation for something they could really benefit from (because they signed up and wanted to hear more from you in this particular topic), they are more likely to buy from you. Because they like and trust you. Quote: Thank you.. this is what I was getting at.. Quote: Quote: make a new list in the auto responder Learn to segregate lists. New lists for tests, for new members, paid members, outdated members, verbatim members. You can make alot of money from doing this. But the best way to make money is to make sure you keep your buyers in a separate list, or lists. Then you are on a winner. Buyers that you keep in a list, will not just buy once. But freebie seekers in your list will just wont more freebies. The value in this information I jsut gave is killer, and can totally transform businesses it is that powerful. Good luck, test lots and write down what works for you...and just do more of that. Simple really. I am not sure if I should go with the big 3 Health wealth and relationships.. not all three but just pick 1 and just go with it.. I have other niches in mind as well..cause what Im doing now is not really working made some sales but thinking long term.. I know I should take action but Im thinking this through.. If you want to communicate with your list. Or create a responsive list try Andre Chaperon's Quote: try and give them something they want thats related to how they got on your list in the first place for free. Jeremy Over a few emails: Say hello. Introduce yourself. Tell them your story. Tell them what they'll get, what to expect from you. Then reinforce why the information you gave them was so valuable. Give them some additional information. Send them to a survey to ask what they're interested in. LATER: After a while, send them some high value content emails that have one relevant and related offer at the end of each of them, while still keeping the high value emails going. Quote: Quote: Quote: Quote: e-mail marketing, unique email id collection is important, some what happen we send email to same person twice. Quote: Everyone in your list receives the same follow up when you turn to email marketing. If you want to send messages to specific recipients then opt for the 'broadcast feature.' You can also focus on building this list because it is an asset in Internet Marketing. Graphic design are also appealing so you can invest in those as well. An Autoresponder is a tool. It facilitates the opportunity to build a list of subscribers. It also facilitates a process and can then be used to develop, nurture, and interract with your subscribers. This is commonly known as list building. Your aim should be to reach a stage at which you have (through delevery of good quality content) developed a repertoire with your subscribers, and are familiar with their demographics. Then, and only then, are you in a position to be able to offer recommendations of products to them; either your own, or those to which you are affiliated. The moment you try and use you list of subscribers as a means to sell to people straight off the hoof, you're dead meat. That's the equivalent of using your cell phone as a hammer, then wondering why the nail won't go in, and your phone's broken... hth Email is where you start. The follow up with your autoresponder sequence is where you keep them and add to the numbers.