PHPNuke template variable<


wasnt really sure where to post this...

whilst editing PHPNuke for someone, i was trying to decide what template to use.

well, i chose an option that turned out to be not a real template file, and now the pages wont display.

anyone know where the template variable is in the PHPNuke files? pretty please:Dim certain this doesnt belong in client side:rolleyes:

EDIT: Okay, well, I think i found it...

$Default_Theme = $row[Default_Theme];

but its coming from a mysql table

$sql = "SELECT sitename, nukeurl, site_logo, slogan, startdate, adminmail, anonpost, Default_Theme, foot1, foot2, foot3, commentlimit, anonymous, minpass, pollcomm, articlecomm, broadcast_msg, my_headlines, top, storyhome, user_news, oldnum, ultramode, banners, backend_title, backend_language, language, locale, multilingual, useflags, notify, notify_email, notify_subject, notify_message, notify_from, footermsgtxt, email_send, attachmentdir, attachments, attachments_view, Download _dir, defaultpopserver, singleaccount, singleaccountname, numaccounts, imgpath, filter_forward, moderate, admingraphic, httpref, httprefmax, CensorMode, CensorReplace, copyright, Version_Num FROM ".$prefix."_config";


how do i just edit one value in the table? i dont ahve PHPMyAdmin, i'll just be doing it through console.Picky, picky, picky!Actually, im almost certain this belongs in Databasing now:D

All I need to know is the SQL Syntax for changing the Value of "Default_Theme" to "Karate" in the table "nuke_config", if you'd like specificsIt's a good thing my arms don't reach the ground, boyo, or you'd get a good smack! Sheesh!

Okay, I know squat about programming, but this is a template. It's supposed to be idiot-proof, right? Have you tried changing "Default-Theme" to "Karate" in the $sql? Would that work?

Hmmm... But this looks like a variable specification...

$Default_Theme = $row[Default_Theme];

Change it to read $row[Karate]; ?

<sigh> That's the part that confuses me. The first bit, as I see it, is the sql string - it lists everything - but a string row from a theme?

Try the last one, Greg. As I'm reading it, the first part in the $sql says 'this is what you'll need to run the page' and the $row says 'when you need input from the theme, use the equivalent row of information from this theme.

Does that make sense? *lol* Feel free to tell me my guesses are worse than yours, Greg.

PegGood job providing all the info, Greg! I'm impressed. Try this:

UPDATE nuke_config SET Default_Theme = 'Karate'

Be careful, though. I don't know how many records are in the nuke_config table. If there's more than 1, all the records will be updated. To check run:

SELECT * FROM nuke_configyep, i figured t out a few minutes ago, and I was going to post it but it seems you already did.

it works now thanks. and i guess you can jus disregard the PM i sent you, bassrek;)Oh. Okay. Makes sense. *g* I know enough about programming to be dangerous, and now I'm a little bit more dangerous.

Ta, Bassrek!

PegHmm, even after 23 years of playing with computers (including a lot of programming many years ago) all this mySQL stuff is still complete technobabble to me. I really can't get my head round it.same here.

i know how to get into my database and look at entries, create tables, etc... but past that, i get lost!