PHP Function givine IE problems


New Member
I have a small PHP function that is called from one of my pages.\[code\]function ratingDetails($uid, $align, $width) {$queryFull = "SELECT * FROM rating WHERE uid = $uid";$resultFull = mysql_query($queryFull); //START DISPLAY TABLE IF RESULTS if(mysql_num_rows($resultFull) > 0) { echo "<table class=\"ratingTable\" align=\"center\" border=\"1\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"3\" width=\"550\">\n"; echo "<tr bgcolor=\"#6699cc\"><th>STARS</th><th>DATE RATED</th><th>COMMENT</th><th>RATED BY</th></tr>\n"; while($rowFull = mysql_fetch_array($resultFull)) { $rating = $rowFull['rating']; $comment = $rowFull['comment']; $datePosted = date("M j, Y", $rowFull['date']); $rid = $rowFull['raterID']; $rater = getUsername($rid); //SHOW STARS if($rating == 0) { $stars = "notYet.jpg"; } if($rating == 1) { $stars = "starOne.jpg"; } if($rating == 1.5) { $stars = "starOneHalf.jpg"; } if($rating == 2) { $stars = "starTwo.jpg"; } if($rating == 2.5) { $stars = "starTwoHalf.jpg"; } if($rating == 3) { $stars = "starThree.jpg"; } if($rating == 3.5) { $stars = "starThreeHalf.jpg"; } if($rating == 4) { $stars = "starFour.jpg"; } if($rating == 4.5) { $stars = "starFourHalf.jpg"; } if($rating == 5) { $stars = "starFive.jpg"; } //DISPLAY IT ALL echo "<tr><td width=\"10\"><img src="/images/rating/$stars\" width=\"105\" height=\"20\" /></td>"; echo "<td width=\"75\" align=\"center\">$datePosted</td><td>$comment</td><td width=\"85\">$rater</td></tr>\n"; }//END WHILE echo "</table>\n"; } //END IF else { echo "<table class=\"ratingTable\" align=\"center\" border=\"1\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"8\" width=\"550\">\n"; echo "<tr><td align=\"center\"><span class=\"blue\">NO REVIEWS OR RATINGS FOR THIS DISTRIBUTOR</span></td></tr></table>\n"; } //END IF ELSE\[/code\]}But when it runs in IE (7 or 8), it throws this error:\[quote\] A script on this page is causing Internet Explorer to run slowly. Bla bla bla...\[/quote\]I call this function from two pages and both cause the same error. If I remove the call from the page, the page loads fine.There is no javascript involved with the pages in question...Help, help, help... I don't have much hair left...Rick