onkeyup or onkeypress javascript event issue - password status updates

Programming Question First (from w3 schools)The programming example way below (from W3 schools) is nice and easy, it works on their website but I'm really confused on something. \[code\]onkeypress="return noNumbers(event)"\[/code\]why is there a return before the function? What does it do? If you know the answer to that - how did you find out that information? My guess would be, that it allows the keypressed function to continue processing the keystroke since my event "interupted" it?also - I have been trying to see what 'event' is. It doesnt seem to be a keyword. I spent > hour trying to find what it is. It doesnt seem to be assigned anywhere in their code example. Normally in that spot you would see 'this'. If it's a not assigned variable will it always pass the event handler? Confused...What I want to do with their functionI want to make a password strength checker AS you type. I was looking at their example so I could figure out how to capture keys (cross browser and minimal IE7). My idea was...\[code\]<input type="password" name="pword" maxlength="50" size="50" id="field_pword" onkeyup="PasswordStrength(name, 8, 'relaxed')" onblur="CheckField(name, 8, 1)">\[/code\]note: Yes, I know it's better to assign event handlers outside of the html but I couldn't see a way to pass variables to it unless it was inline. I'm a novice so I may have overlooked something but... thats why I do it IN the HTML.also, IS IT BAD how I am passing name? it does send pword to the function but am I doing something wrong there? Should I just make it a constant string? It works as is, but sometimes just because something works... doesn't mean it's correct. :)\[code\]onkeyup="PasswordStrength('pword', 8, 'relaxed')" onblur="CheckField('pword', 8, 1)">\[/code\]My checkfield function works (I use it after every field) I recently added in PasswordStrength. My question is... my new function isn't passing the event hander so how can I check what key is pressed? Can I do this?\[code\]onkeyup="PasswordStrength(name, 8, 'relaxed', event)"\[/code\]or should it read...\[code\]onkeyup="return PasswordStrength(name, 8, 'relaxed', event)"\[/code\]If I can't pass whatever 'event' is that way, inside my function can I accurately get what the key pressed was without a big mess of code? Since I'm learning I need examples to be as simple as possible (please).Using my function I was going to do it this way but I still don't know how to get what key was pressed...\[code\]function PasswordStrength(sField, iMinLength, sStrength, e?){var form = document.forms[0];var gc = form[sField].value; // once I have the value I can do checking but it would be nice to have WHAT key // was pressed // the e? above is where I was thinking of passing the event\[/code\]W3 example I was pulling some knowledge from...\[code\]function noNumbers(e){var keynum;var keychar;var numcheck;if(window.event) // IE{keynum = e.keyCode;}else if(e.which) // Netscape/Firefox/Opera{keynum = e.which;}keychar = String.fromCharCode(keynum);numcheck = /\d/;return !numcheck.test(keychar);}</script><form>Type some text (numbers not allowed):<input type="text" onkeypress="return noNumbers(event)" /></form></body></html>\[/code\]As someone is typing I was going to change the text using innerHTML beside the password field to say, "Weak", "Ok", "Good", "Perfect" or something along those lines for the password status. I'd love to do it how google does it with a graphic to the left of the field but I don't know how to do that simply. lol.Is my way fixable? Do you have a better way to do this that I don't know about? Much appreciated. Awaiting an infusion of wisdom...