OHW - Member Generator!!


New Member
This little generator makes you members instantly. It generates random names, followed by random numbers and a random password. This is useful for forums that need a little extra boost in membercount.

Copyright 2008 iNRoC Productions
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#### vBulletin Member Generator Rewrite by iNRoC/123456 ####
####     Compatible with 3.6.x, 3.7.x, and 3.8.x        ####

-- Upload files to forum directory
-- Import Product FakeLoggedIn

How to use:
-- Go to admincp and click on navigational link on left
-- Never generate over 100 users at a time
-- Visit iNRoC's test forum to see what he is working on next!
---- My test forum is viewable in the admincp so you never have to leave your site!

-- Added link to return to admincp after generation
-- Edited some phrases
-- Fixed minor bug causing E-mails to have different names
-Added No-Numbers in username generator
--- Has numbers in email addys
--- May cause usernames to repeat so make sure you add some of your own 
**=====BETA STAGE 1=====**
**===USE WITH Caution!===**
-- Added Link to Usergen from admincp navigational bar
-- Fixed spelling errors
-- Removed First post options till major statistic update bug is fixed
-- Removed extra options such as E-Mail and Password
-- Removed No - Numbers file
-- Added admincp compatibility
-- Removed OHW Logo (I am no longer apart of the OHW name)
-- Fixed some minor bugs
-- Added online list
-- Admincp link improvement
-- Fixed bugs caused by v1.3 update
-- Removed useless options so experience is better

Any bugs please report!


New Member
Updated* Redid coding inside the file and added a few more phrases + Usernames. All current users are urged to update the files ASAP.


New Member
Yes it is, except with this you can generate up to 1,200 at a time in under 20 seconds. vBulletin's option to create a user takes longer and if you tried to even make 100 members it would take you a while, but with this gen, it does it in less then 10 seconds.


New Member
i ve uploaded this hack into admincp directory and when i browse usergenbyohw.php i see just a black page !!! no directions !!!!


New Member
sorry, it worked, but needed to be done twice, i recommend if anyone has the hack for how many register today, to turn it off, bi cuz all fake id's look the same, and that will give up your fake ... what we need is more names 50,000 more names if anyone has them..


New Member
Fake Logged in Users! does not update the list of hack Members who have visited Today, Is there any chance to update it?
