October 1958 in Pakistan's Politics


Following are major events that took place during this month of october in the year 1958. Iam amazed at the fact that i did'nt notice any media highlighting of these events, albeit these events can be regarded as "paving the way" for the future of politics of our country.<ol style="list-style-type: decimal"><li>October 7, President Iskander Mirza abrogated the constitution and imposed Martial law. This was done as the general elections under the 1956 constitution drew closer.</li><li>October 27, the Supreme Court upheld the imposition of martial law as constitutional. The Chief Justice Muhammad Munir, held that "a victorious revolution and a successful coup d' etat is an internationally recognized legal method of changing a constitution.</li><li>October 27, President Iskander Mirza was forced at gun point to step aside and hand over all power to General Ayub Khan.</li></ol>(Retrieved from <a rel="nofollow" href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1958_in_Pakistan" target="_blank">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1958_in_Pakistan</a>)