Nested Spring aop configuration is not working


New Member
I have two OSGi projects, the first is a service implementation and the second is a hibernate based dao implementation.I have the service implementation configured with a Spring managed transaction via aop.\[code\]<aop:config> <aop:pointcut id="ServiceOps" expression="execution(* com.blah.service.MyService*.*(..))" /> <aop:advisor pointcut-ref="ServiceOps" advice-ref="DefaultTransactionAdvice" /></aop:config>\[/code\]This works as expected.In my dao implementation, I am trying to apply another aspect to overcome a using hibernate in OSGi issue. It has a configuration as follows.\[code\]<aop:config> <aop:pointcut id="DbOps" expression="execution(* com.blah.dao.hibernate.*.*(..))" /> <aop:around pointcut-ref="DbOps" method="cacheClassloader" /></aop:config>\[/code\]My problem is that the service layer (with the transaction) will call the dao layer, and the dao aspect is not applied. This causes classloader issues.If I disable the transaction in the service layer, then the dao aspect is applied, which unfortunately now causes session management issues since the transaction is required. So I know that each aspect will work on its own, but the problem is that I need both and that does not seem to work.Is there some specific configuration that I am missing or is this simply not supported?NOTE: I am using Spring 3.0.5 and Hibernate 3.2.6 and I cannot change either of these at this point. I believe my particular problem is actually fixed in Hibernate 3.5.x, but as I said, I cannot upgrade at this time.