Mod returns remainder


but what returns the whole number

i have a session("NumberRecs") / recsperPage returns 3.333333

i want it just to return 3 leaving out the remainder.

is there a function that can even round down to 3You have to define a variable of type Integer
Dim x as Integer
then assign the value of the devision to it
x = session("NumberRecs") / recsperPage
Now x have value of 3
to make sure of that
Good Luck :)
but what returns the whole number

i have a session("NumberRecs") / recsperPage returns 3.333333

i want it just to return 3 leaving out the remainder.

is there a function that can even round down to 3cheers,

i ended up using system.math.ceiling

on another quick when i click a button

i have the code

response.redirect("login.aspx") how can i get this to open in a new window and set the size thanksyou can use javascript method 'URL' , 'Name' , 'Features', 'bReplace')
the last 3 parameters are optional
in features parameter you can write something like that
'top = 0,left=0,height=200,width=400'
the URL is the url of your login window 'login.aspx'
in brief'login.aspx','MyloginWindow','top = 0,left=0,height=200,width=400')