making a shopping cart?

I had a client ask me the other day if I could make a shopping cart on his site - he has 20 products he wishes to sell. I said I'd look into it so here I am. I am pretty clueless really. What advice might you give me?<br />
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Something else that bothered me was this - if someone from china wanted to purchase something - how would the prices be worked out? would we have to do it, or do shopping carts have a system that works it out?<br />
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Thank you.<!--content-->you can try going with paypal which seems reliable, and i think for the chinese customers maybe have the chinese price or something underneath, or maybe supply a currency converter, those are just some suggestions, im sure others will throw in their 2 cents<!--content-->_Aerospace_Eng_<br />
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Thanks man - yeah i'll look into that. It would not be possible to put a price for every currency underneath though - there's just too man in the world :) Perhaps paypal will have a currency converter<br />
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New Member
You are daily shopping any particular mall or Mata market than you are making shopping cart. Its are help for regular shopping because of you have used this cart as your credit card. So people are regular customer than making a shopping cart.


New Member
For developing the shopping cart you have to required the knowledge of the software programming. According to your knowledge you can develop a shopping cart.


New Member
If you have to develop a shopping cart then you have to required knowledge of any server side technology. The most popular server side technology which used vast are : PHP, JSP, and ASP.


New Member
HTML is very useful for creating web page. If you want to make shopping cart then it is very easy to make in HTML because HTML is very easily understand. It is not Programming language but it is markup language.