make this


New Member
How to make when people see my e-mail its like senders name instead of a e-mail address

and when they open they see like senders name <e-mail address>


New Member
I don't understand what you're tyring to do? If you're talking about PM's that's one thing. If you're talking about email's then that would be in your email clients settings.


New Member
snakeboy said:
I don't understand what you're tyring to do? If you're talking about PM's that's one thing. If you're talking about email's then that would be in your email clients settings.

Well when i open mozilla firebird

you see next to the subject the sender. when i send e-mail from board i see as sender: the e-mail address. But i want people see the name of board.

But when they select e-mail i want they see like Board name <e-mail address>