Link building

Ahmad Hamad

New Member
Hi frdsI was doing the optimization of website and trying to do link exchange for the website as according to google the more visitors pointing to a website the more it gets benefit. Even i did the same process of link exchange trading links with different websites with different anchor texts. My question is that when i search in google, MSN or yahoo that how many links pointing to my website, it dosent show me the updations , though according to me it should show me some updations....... Please help me out with this is anything wrong that i am following like using different anchor text for different websites for trading links..Please guide me ....http://www.spgindia.comwhat do you mean when you say "updations" and "though according to me it should show me some updations"why is it according THROUGH YOU that should show YOU some updations?And what the hell is updations, it isn't even spelt right.Did you mean the googles Page rank coming up in 30 days.Thanks for the arrogrant and rude replyI think it was quite understood when i m talking about "My question is that when i search in google, MSN or yahoo that how many links pointing to my website, it dosent show me the updations , though according to me it should show me some updations" though if it was nt understood u have left that no need to answer then why the hell u were bothered to answer that I guess these forums are for helping and discussing nor for making fun or answering rudely. And yes "Did you mean the googles Page rank coming up in 30 days"ofsourse i will let u the same if it happenssimmi wrote:If anything im helping you by flaming you. Don't get mad at me. If i didn't do what i did do then you probably wouldn't ever gotten your answer. But you did get the answer and thats all that matters. I am the one who is giving it to you, who ever disagree with me may post/reply. But since you don't know and im the only one who replied, your pretty much my bitch. its all logical babe. you know you want me...Its good that u can make a guess u have so much time to do thatwell i dnt want to guess anything about you as i dont have so time to answer all your ridiculous questions.but when u say guessing let me also make a guess for minute about you. as i stated above i dnt have much time to guess or think about you for a minute i canthere are many thing that i was able to judge in your english & that reterated one that u talked about but no issues refering all that as minute is over i cant afford to guess more . I came here for help not for discussing these stupid discussions now still if you want to continue stupid discussions then go ahead please i dnt care. ofcourse i wnt bother to answer that.good luck and keep on with thissimmi wrote:David Raz wrote:David Raz wrote:simmi wrote: