[IDEA!] Attathments & File Sharing Sites!


New Member
Ok, i have the imageshack & megaupload add-on for vb, and i didn't like how the downloads had to be links, that you ended up copy & pasting into your post.
this meant you lost controll over who downloaded, how many times it was downloaded, etc. But it did save bandwidth, which is great on large sites!

Here's my IDEA:
Make a textbox underneath the file uploader, where the user can paste the link into, then when you post, the link is going to be an attatchment link, at the bottom of the post! And this will work for both files and images, and hopefully, the image thumbnail function will work too.

Im not a great coder, but i think i know where to start (the attachment php files in vb). And hopefully we can put this together and release it here on vb team.

(Maybe im just plain stupid and search engines don't work for me, but i tried to find an add-on that did this, and i can't find one. but if you know of one, please do post a reply with it!)


New Member
Im trying to google qooy script but can't find a a straight answer:

What is the qooy.com script?


New Member
if you have medium php knowledge...its possible.
decodethe_net - there is lots of usefull nulled script..then use search! function..


New Member
if you have medium php knowledge...its possible.
decodethe_net - there is lots of usefull nulled script..then use search! function..


New Member
ver_shine said:
if you have medium php knowledge...its possible.
decodethe_net - there is lots of usefull nulled script..then use search! function..

why dont you have a go at it. this mod would be legendary