How to restore my site ?


New Member
I have a db backup named forum.sql and another backup file is forum.tar.gz

i have root access and cpanel access to my vps. now i want to know how to restore my site ?

please tell me both way tor restore ( for cpanel and by ssh command )(both)
vps currently have whm cpanel installed. so panel is cpanel .

I am expecting some quick solution. Thanks in advance.

you have to upload it to ftp and acp. please mention which folder i have to upload . please give me ssh command if you have any .. You will need to upload forum.tar.gz to your public_html folder and extract it.

If your database is not very big you can restore it through phpmyadmin.

If you can here is an SSH command you can use

Code: mysql dbname -udbusername -pdbpassword < /home/pathtoyouruploadeddb/forum.sql