how to get free terific\ fake terfic


New Member
Of getting "free" traffic? Yeah, just advertise your site. Post links in other forums, blogs, social media (twitter, facebook etc.)

Make sure your forum is SEO friendly and work on your rankings. Basically, "make a good site". The scope for that is pretty huge for a single thread.

Autosurfing is the easiest way to get "fake" traffic to fool tracking sites though, including Alexa which many stupid people including advertisers use as a metric of a site's value.


New Member
I dont mean a real tarrific, i need only to show the users in extreme tracker or google analytics.

myby some php bots?


New Member
Google analytics will record all hits (ie requests for files) but will also show how many are unique. Which won't be many at all if you're creating hits through code. Why would you want to fake your analyitics stats anyway? It's provided for YOUR information.

You can inject as much traffic as you want using code. I don't know what "extreme tracker" is, but any semi-respected analysis tool will be able to differentiate between fake traffic and real traffic.

Autosurf traffic is "real" traffic, it's just the useless kind. It increases stats but doesn't benefit your site in any way.


New Member
This is a Test that i'm trying to do for my self.

and you said "You can inject as much traffic as you want using code" How?


New Member
Depending on the tracking being used you can probably inject fake numbers directly into it. But put this code below your <head> tag:

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="1">

It relolads your page every second and will increment your hit counter.

Like I said though, all this traffic will be coming from the same computer, and a good tracker will detect that.


New Member
You put the code into an iframe with your counter and insert it into your existing pages with 1x1 dimensions. It doesn't refresh your whole page, it will only refresh the counter within the iframe, which nobody can see.

It means every second a visitor spends on your website is considered another hit.


New Member
Ok i see. i will try it.

<div id="eXTReMe"><a href="">
<img src="" style="border: 0;"
height="0" width="0" id="EXim" alt="eXTReMe Tracker" /></a>
<script type="text/javascript"><!--
var EXlogin='XXXXXXX' // Login
var EXvsrv='s11' // VServer
EXd.write("<img "+EXsrc+"=",
"l="+escape(parent.document.referrer)+" height=1 width=1>");//-->
</script><noscript><div id="neXTReMe"><img height="1" width="1" alt=""
src="" />
This is my code where shuold i put it?

what kind of tips do you have for a good web terrific? To the real terrific?


New Member
Make a new html page in your site root called counter.html

Code: <html>
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="1">
<div id="eXTReMe"><a href="">
<img src="" style="border: 0;"
height="0" width="0" id="EXim" alt="eXTReMe Tracker" /></a>
<script type="text/javascript"><!--
var EXlogin='XXXXXXX' // Login
var EXvsrv='s11' // VServer
EXd.write("<img "+EXsrc+"=",
"l="+escape(parent.document.referrer)+" height=1 width=1>");//-->
</script><noscript><div id="neXTReMe"><img height="1" width="1" alt=""
src="" />

In the bottom of your other pages, just before </body> put:

<iframe src ="" width="1" height="1" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" />

Just advertise it on similar forums and stuff, if yours is better, with good, interesting content that solicits opinions, people will post there instead. This forum is about vbulletin though. For promoting your site, look on google info on marketing websites.


New Member
ok tnx.
i will try this.

and what did you mean in this

Google "autosurf"

what autosurf can do?
and can you give me a link for this?