How to fix my NoClassDefFoundError


New Member
This is the exception now I get when I try run my JSP:\[code\]java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: se/prv/pandora/arendeprocess/obj/AnsokanInfo\[/code\]It does call this class from an included JSP but the class is available to the project so it should get picked up if RAD was working the way it should. I had to remove a .class file since it wouldn't refresh when it was changed and now it won't load at all. How should I do with RAD 8, which is based on Eclipse, to just deploy my project? It used to work all good and then I fetched an update from version control and then it started complaining at runtime that the new method wasn't available that it was calling from JSP although that method really is in the new code so it seems my RAD can't refresh the classes properly. Why can't I just remove a .class file and let the IDE rebuild it for me? It is not the JSP that needs to compile, it is the POJO classes that RAD won't reload. What should I do about this problem that completely stops everything from working? This product RAD has been in the making for years, why can't they make it work?