how to convert dynamic php file to pdf?


New Member
I try to convert dynamic php database file to pdf.I try with DOMPDF, but I have a problem with defining the string. I'll explain:Here is a 'hello world' script for dompdf:\[code\]require_once("");$html = '<html><body>'. '<p>Hello World!</p>'. '</body></html>';$dompdf = new DOMPDF();$dompdf->load_html($html);$dompdf->render();$dompdf->stream("hello_world.pdf");\[/code\]The thing is that instead of a simple \[code\]'<html><body>'.'<p>Hello World!</p>'.'</body></html>' \[/code\]I have a long php file full of functions and sql queries. because of it I have inside it many ",',; e.t.c signs. I also have a javascript dynamic chart (jqplot) in this page.So instead of pdf file I get errors errors errors...Does anyone has a solution for this?I will really appreciate any answer, and will be really really thankful for a solution...