how to become a webhost ?

I seen alot of websites but they expalin things at a high level, mostly for resellers or virtual hosting. <br />
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I'm looking to buy my own servers, fibre optic connections but need to know all the details of what involved. <br />
Can anyone recommend any technical websites /books on how to become a webhost? <br />


You're looking right into the teeth of some incredibly stiff competition.

I'd suggest doing an internet search on the term "free web hosting". You'll find hundreds, if not thousands. of them. Many of them are established multi-million dollar companies.

Unless you have the financial backing to spend many thousands of dollars for servers, support staff, and advertising, I think you're looking at a losing scenario.

If you really want to host sites, I'd suggest using the established companies and their capabilities, particularly reseller hosting sites, to get your business started.

Here's a link to a blog entry from a very successful web hosting company's CEO. I'd suggest reading what he had to go through to get his company going.



New Member
Webhosting in Australia is very expensive just a basic server on 100MB connection housed with telstra or AAPT can cost a couple of thousand a month.. Our limitation is not only the machines and connection but also the ISP as they still count traffic and hosting can get a tremendous amount of usage. And home broadband is just too slow even on DSL2 as hosting uses up your upload speed not download

Give telstra and AAPT a call and ask them how much it would cost to house the server and see if it's within your budget range before you spend any money